‘El Celler de Can Roca’ ranked world’s third-best restaurant and awarded best service

05.04.2017 - 17:00

’Restaurant’ magazine has made public its Worl’d best 50 resturants list for 2017 and Catalan establishment ‘El Celler de Can Roca’ has been ranked third. The jury, made of 1,040 voters worldwide, have recognised the “outstanding service” of ‘El Celler de Can Roca’ and awarded it he Ferrari Trento Art of Hospitality, introduced in 2016.  After 11 years on the list and having topped the ranking in 2015 and 2013, the restaurant run by the three Roca brothers has ceded its crown to ‘Eleven Madison Park’, in New York. Italian restaurant ‘Osteria Franciscana’ , which won last year’s edition, is now down to the second position.  Another Catalan restaurant, ‘Disfrutar’ from three ‘El Bulli’ alumni has received the Miele One to Watch Award, for its innovative proposal. Indeed, ‘El Celler de Can Roca’ has been amongst ‘Restaurant’s best 50 gastronomic establishments in the world for the last 12 years and hasn’t left the five first positions of the ranking since 2009.

During the ceremony, held this Wednesday at Melbourne, ’El Celler de Can Roca’ has received a special distinction; it has been awarded the Ferrari Trento Art of Hospitality for its “outstanding service”. The Ferrari Trento Art of Hospitality Award was introduced in 2016 in collaboration with the Italian winery to celebrate the outstanding work of front-of-house and service teams at restaurants around the world. The category was voted for by the same body of 1,040 worldwide voters that makes up The World’s 50 Best Restaurants Academy.

There is another Catalan establishment amongst ‘Restaurant’s exclusive list. ‘Tickets’, by Albert Adrià is ranked 25th. Adrià was dessert chef at El Bulli, which was run by his brother Ferran Adrià and was recognised as the best restaurant in the world on five occasions.

Barcelona’s ‘Disfrutar’ has been recognised as the best new burst in the list. Indeed, in May last year, the restaurant run by chefs Eduard Xatruch, Oriol Castro and Mateu Casañas, won the award for Best New European Restaurant in the prestigious Opinionated About Dining (OAD) ranking. The three chefs started this project after spending 15 years together at ‘El Bulli’. Moreover, in 2015 ‘Disfrutar’ won its first Michelin star and was added to the 50 restaurants in Catalonia which currently hold this recognition. In addition, the Catalan Academy of Gastronomy and Nutrition also named it ‘Restaurant of the Year’.

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