Els carrers, incontestablement, són nostres
Una quantitat enorme de persones ens vam trobar ahir al carrer disposades a desmentir i tapar la boca a tots aquells que ens volen fer creure que el país ha canviat
Interview with the President of the Parliament of Catalonia, Josep Rull, two days before Salvador Illa's inauguration
Interview, after the European elections, with the director of FanPage.it, who has traveled across Europe to write a book about the rise of the far-right.
Junts, ERC, and CUP have agreed to form a parliamentary board with a pro- Catalan independence majority.
Interview with Lluís Llach after his election as new President of the Assemblea Nacional Catalana
The end of the judicial journey allows us to say that no one has managed to find anything, not the slightest connection, not the slightest evidence, not even the slightest hint.
The Spanish parliament finally approves the Amnesty Law, a historic victory for Catalan independence movement
The Catalan independence movement loses its parliamentary majority for the first time in a decade, but the Catalan Socialists face major challenges in forming a government.
Interview with the journalist from Directa, who has gone into exile in Switzerland following the investigation for terrorism in the case of Tsunami Democràtic
This is how judge García-Castellón has pushed Catalan independence into a new exile. In recent months, Ruben Wagensberg, Oleguer Serra, Jesús Rodríguez, and Josep Campmajó, accused of terrorism in the case of the Tsunami Democràtic, have had to take refuge in Switzerland.
He was a driving force behind La Crida, la Plataforma pel Dret a Decidir and the ANC (Catalan National Assembly), among many other initiatives.
At a conference in Elna, he announces that he will be the leader of the Junts' party list for the May elections.
The exiled minister states in this interview that he do not intend to take any risk of arrest and, if necessary, they could wait to return for a second investiture debate
President Pere Aragonés is pushed to do so following the vote against the budget project by the Commons, which has put the government on the ropes.
Interview with Clara Ponsatí, who this week announced that for Sant Jordi she will present a political platform named "Alhora," together with Jordi Graupera.
Interview with the French geographer and thinker who questions the role of the dominant political elites who have become what he calls the "new bourgeoisie" - He explains the democratic crisis by the selfishness of the political class and its lack of interest in the problems of the majority of the population.
In 2002, he convinced French authorities to sign the Malaga agreement by telling them that Colonna was located in Spain, but it was false.
The court has ordered the proceedings to be kept secret, and as the hours pass, Russia's involvement in the crime seems more likely.
Indignation at persecutions and abuses such as those suffered by Navalny or Assange can never be partial, it cannot depend only on who is affected and the political consideration we have for them.
Jüri Ratas, the former Prime Minister of Estonia, from the same party, has left the organization due to Toom's ties with pro-Kremlin activists.
Maria I. T. had a romantic relationship with Òscar C., a well-known pro-independence activist from Girona
D. H. P. infiltrated homes, social centers, and Athenaeums for three years, of which he even had the keys.
The head of unit of the European Parliament's Directorate for Relations with National Parliaments also serves as president of the PP in Belgium and has protested alongside Dolors Montserrat against Spain's amnesty law