El PSOE i els moviments orbitals de l’independentisme
ERC primer i Junts de fa un any es troben atrapats en l'òrbita del PSOE. Que hi haja símptomes de voler-se'n escapar és una bona notícia per a tots
«We will meet again in the streets and, once again, reality will prevail over this ridiculous arrangement that Brussels believes it has made with Madrid»
“In the coming hours —perhaps days, at most— we will find out whether Europe is prepared to stick its neck out for us or it merely wanted to avoid a declaration of independence at all costs”
Carles Puigdemont addresses Catalan Parliament but proposes putting off declaring secession to find negotiated solution
The Commissioner for Human Rights states that Spain’s police use of force was disproportionate and unnecessary
On October 1, Spanish police staged mass raids on a good deal of small villages where they knew they would encounter little resistance. Their only goal was to hurt people so that fear would spread among the population
On October 1, Spanish police staged mass raids on a good deal of small villages where they knew they would encounter little resistance. Their only goal was to hurt people so that fear would spread among the population
Dutch diplomat in Catalonia on October 1: ‘Obama or Koffi Annan could mediate’
VilaWeb interviewed one of the IT experts who created, at breakneck speed, the program allowing voters to dodge Spanish repression
A growing number of European governments condemn Mariano Rajoy’s actions in Catalonia
People went on strike and took to the streets against the October 1 repression
'In every independence process there is a trigger that quickly brings about the end of it all'
The spokesman of the delegation stated that the referendum has been “a success” despite “difficult circumstances”
Carles Puigdemont says an investigation will be launched to determine the people responsible for the Spanish police violence on Sunday
90% of the 2.26 million Catalans who voted Sunday chose yes
A report criticises the breach of fundamental rights, such as freedom of speech, assembly, association and public participation
The Anglo-sphere, Russia, and China are closely watching for any opportunity arising from a Catalonia outside the EU
They draw a parallel between the Spanish authorities’ actions in Catalonia and the case of Turkey
“Only speaking for myself, I would like to see Spain continue to be united,” says the US president
Some notices start arriving despite the major anti-referendum operation by the Spanish Guardia Civil
The event went ahead anyway but journalists were not allowed to film
The former Catalan president and ex-ministers given 15 days to deposit money or face freezing of personal assets
The privately funded group is behind the massive 'Yes' rallies in Catalonia of the last few years
The judge charged them with misappropriation of funds, breach of official duty and disobedience
Meanwhile, members of the international community stands in support