Italian socialist MEPs denounce Spain’s contempt for Sassoli

  • Seven MEPs criticize in a letter that the JEC has "denigrated" the ex-president for having recognized Puigdemont, Ponsatí, Comín and Solé

David Sassoli
09.11.2022 - 15:09
Actualització: 11.11.2022 - 12:35

A group of seven Italian MEPs from the Socialist group have sent a letter to the President of the European Parliament, Roberta Metsola, in which they denounce the contempt of the Spanish Electoral Board (JEC) towards the former president of the chamber, the late David Sassoli, for allowing Puigdemont, Comín, Ponsatí to be MEPs after the CJEU ruling on the Junqueras case. Also for having subsequently allowed Jordi Solé to occupy Oriol Junqueras’ vacancy without having sworn to the Spanish constitution.

“I am deeply astonished by the words and tone in which an official body of the Spanish electoral administration denigrated the work of the former President of the European Parliament David Sassoli” begins the text accessed by VilaWeb. And it goes on: “We are all aware that the former President Sassoli acted in full within the law by applying, immediately and to the letter, the ruling of the European Court of Justice of 19/12/ 2019 (C-502-19), respecting institutional roles and cautiously avoiding entering into the substance of the debate”.

Then, the letter takes a very forceful tone against the JEC’s response to Metsola’s request on the status of pro-independence MEPs: “I express my outrage at the  attempt to sully the memory of our former colleague David Sassoli. Since you have pledged to defend and honour the memory of David Sassoli, I kindly ask you to continue to do so even against those, such as the Central Electoral Commission (JEC) of the Kingdom of Spain, who attempts to instrumentalise the deeds and legacy of a great European like David Sassoli. ”

The letter ends by saying: “Firmly rejecting such acts is a duty not only for the memory of David Sassoli but also for the integrity and prestige of the European Parliament.” The letter is signed by MEPs Massimiliano Smeriglio, Brando Benifei, Franco Roberti, Pietro Bartolo, Elisabetta Gualmini, Camilla Laureti and Alessandra Moretti.

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