Alcarràs nominated for top European Film Academy award

  • Carla Simon hit vying for best film, screenwriter and university prizes

09.11.2022 - 09:42
Actualització: 11.11.2022 - 12:36

Catalan film Alcarràs, directed by Carla Simón, has been nominated for the best European Film award, as was unveiled by the European Film Academy on Tuesday morning. The movie is also in the running for best screenwriter (for both Simón and Arnau Vilaró) and the European University Film Award.

The awards ceremony will take place on 10 December in Reykjavík, Iceland, only days before the hit Catalan-language movie will find out if it has been shortlisted for the Oscars.

Alcarràs, which tells the story of the last fruit harvest on a farm in western Catalonia, already won the prestigious Golden Bear at the Berlinale film festival last February.

A Catalan-language movie starring non-professional actors, it is the biggest Catalan box office hit of the year, selling around 300,000 cinema tickets in under a month after its release.

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