15,000 candles in the shape of a ballot box light up Catalans’ demand to vote

  • 15,000 candles, 1500 information booths throughout the country, 3600 authorized observers

24.03.2014 - 11:00

La premsa lliure no la paga el govern, la paguen els lectors

Fes-te de VilaWeb, fem-nos lliures

Ballot boxes, votes and participation were the key factors in the first day of the special “Sign up to vote for independence” campaign, carried out by the Catalan National Assembly (ANC) and the Association of Municipalities for Independence (AMI). Turnout numbers will not be available until next week.  

In the end, there were more than 1500 information booths with more than 3600 authorized observers who could guarantee that votes were carried out correctly. In addition, in Plaça Catalonia, in the center of Barcelona, a massive ballot box was created out of 15,000 burning candles.

Carme Forcadell said yesterday that the campaign was being carried out in 800 municipalities (out of 947)

Carme Forcadell, president of the Catalan National Assembly (ANC) said yesterday in Tortosa that the “Sign up to vote for independence” campaign had made a qualitative leap over the weekend, since it had spread to more than 800 municipalities, where 99% of the population of Catalonia lives. According to her, carrying out the campaign with the Association of Municipalities for Independence (AMI) gave it legitimacy and “erased any doubts” of voters. She announced that for that reason, the two groups would continue to work together.

Forcadell said that 2014 will be a historic year and that it was important “not to give in to provocations, because we will end up the losers”. She also referred to the latest judgment by the judge who said there was “room for reasonable discussion” about holding a referendum in accordance with the Spanish Constitution: “that makes us very happy,” she said, “but it’s not a legal question, it’s about political will.” When there is political will, she added, “laws are adapted so that this political will can be carried out”. And she went on, “We are happy, but unfortunately, we believe that this will not change the position of the Spanish State.”

About the debate scheduled for April 8 in the Spanish Congress, in which it must be decided whether the PP executive will transfer the powers to hold a referendum to the Catalan government, she said that the Catalan MPs will return with their hands empty: “We would love to hold a referendum within the Spanish legal framework, we know it’s possible, but there is no political will to do so.”

The campaign enters the city and town halls
The “Sign up to vote for independence” campaign entered, for the first time this weekend, the city and town halls, thanks to the collaboration of the AMI. Out of the thousand or so information booths throughout the country, more than one hundred are installed within buildings that belong to Catalan municipalities.

The case of the Vandellòs and Hospitalet de l’Infant city hall is special since it doesn’t even form part of the AMI and is governed by a team whose majority is from the PSC, Catalan Socialists. Nevertheless, it allowed its building to be used so that the local chapter of the ANC could carry out the campaign. The Culture Department head, Àngels Pérez explained to ACN, “It’s good being neutral about this matter. We think that we have to represent all of the positions of the residents who voted for us.” And she added, “We, the PSC municipal group, have never demonstrated against the referendum or against the right to decide.”

La premsa lliure no la paga el govern. La paguem els lectors.

Fes-te de VilaWeb, fem-nos lliures.

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