El vídeo de Rajoy a Onda Cero, subtitulat en anglès

22.09.2015 - 17:03
Actualització: 22.09.2015 - 18:34

El president del govern espanyol ha estat incapaç d’argumentar per què els catalans deixarien de ser ciutadans europeus en cas d’independència de Catalunya. Una simple pregunta del periodista Carlos Alsina que l’entrevistava avui a Onda Cero l’ha deixat desarmat. Durant les últimes setmanes, Rajoy ha intentat buscar suport entre diferents líders europeus i mundials per a defensar l’argument que Catalunya quedaria fora de la UE.

Vegeu aquest fragment de vídeo, subtitulat en anglès:

Heus ací la traducció de la conversa a l’anglès:

—What they are claiming to ask people is to to renounce their status as Spaniards and Europeans. This is nonsense. Why should they lose out on their right to be Spanish and European? This goes against the destiny of time.

—But Spanish nationality will not be lost. In the case of the independence of Catalonia, the Spanish nationality will not be lost by the citizens of Catalonia.

—I don’t know why it won’t be lost. And European nationality neither?

—Because the law says that a citizen born in Spain does not lose their nationality even though he resides in a foreign country, if he has the wish to preserve it.

—Then… the European nationality?

—And he would keep his European nationality because he has Spanish nationality.

—I think that this disquisition is not leading anywhere.


La premsa lliure no la paga el govern. La paguem els lectors.

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