El PSOE i els moviments orbitals de l’independentisme
ERC primer i Junts de fa un any es troben atrapats en l'òrbita del PSOE. Que hi haja símptomes de voler-se'n escapar és una bona notícia per a tots
'Our party calls for the victory of politics', explained Miccoli
The so-called ‘Palau case’ investeigates whether CDC received €5.1 million from the construction company Ferrovial through donations made to Barcelona’s Palau de la Música concert hall
Domènech considered it 'absolutely key' to count on the EU institutions’ support in order to effectively hold the referendum
Homs insisted that the resolution from the Spanish Constitutional Court (TC) suspending the 9-N 'was not concrete'
2,200 companies are expected to attend the fair
He faces a 9-year ban from public office
This is the second lawsuit against Forcadell presented by the Public Prosecutor
Claude Lefebvre was searched and held on the ground for the sole fact of having worn a sticker with the Catalan flag
"The trials that are now underway are just a foretaste. The moment of truth will not take long to arrive. I don't think we will have to wait until June to see president Puigdemont before the courts."
Here is a complete list of the final judicial rulings which the Rajoy government has failed to comply with
'A political issue should be solved in a political way, in a democratic way, through dialogue and not by sending politicians to court because you don’t like their opinion'
Homs admitted to being 'surprised' when the Spanish Government presented an appeal before the TC for alleged conflict of competences
Puigdemont accused the Spanish State of taking former Catalan President, Artur Mas and former Catalan Minsters, Irene Rigau and Joana Ortega before the court in what he considered 'a political trial'
The magistrates aim to find out whether high school directors were pressed by the public bodies to cede the centres and turn them into polling stations
He warned that the people’s dignity 'will be defended with loyalty by the accused'
Catalan President, Artur Mas, testified before the court this Monday when accused of alleged disobedience and breach of trust when allowing the non-binding consultation
The police arrested two former CDC representatives too, Antoni Vives and Francesc Sánchez
'The will of the Catalan citizens to exercise their right to self-determination is incorruptible', he warned