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![]() > The 'Timbaler' has been Kidnapped! > A Little Bit of Everything > Magazines for Children and Young Adults
dimarts, 30 de setembre de 2003
The very first edition of Cavall Fort went on sale on December 6th, 1961. Aimed at children age nine to fifteen, the magazine would eventually become a reference in literature for children and young adults. Well, this coming March, the legendary magazine will publish edition number…one thousand!
Cavall Fort was a very bold magazine right from the start; if you keep in mind the fact that it was founded right in the middle of Franco's dictatorship, which didn't fool around when it came to suppressing the Catalan language and culture. As a result of that initial audacity, thousands of children were able to entertain and educate themselves in Catalan at a time when use of the language was forbidden in schools. Both the young and the not-so-young were able to enjoy the adventures of Jep and Fidel, the Patrulla dels Castors (the Beaver Patrol), Jan and Trencapins, and the wizard Ot el Bruixot. Kids would excitedly await the arrival of each new edition, published bi-monthly. However, the creators of Cavall Fort were not to be commended for simply publishing in Catalan. They were also deserving of recognition for having produced a quality magazine, which featured the collaboration of many well-known writers, including Pere Calders, Josep Vallverdú and Guillem Viladot. So now, in addition to boasting a fantastic webpage that has been up and running since 1999, the magazine, in celebration of the one-thousandth edition, has come up with an awesome game which we shall explain in detail in the next paragraph.
The 'Timbaler' has been Kidnapped!If you want to participate in the game, you'll have to sharpen your wits and use your best detective skills, as it appears that Timbaler, the character of the Kettledrummer created by cartoonist Cesc, has disappeared from Cavall Fort. Nobody seems to know anything. And the only thing we do know are the clues that are given by the kidnapper in a letter he sends by mail every fifteen days. Faced with this unanticipated event, one of the magazine's detectives, Maurici Bonull, has asked for readers to assist them in unraveling the mystery. So how does the game work? It's quite simple. You have to read the kidnapper’s letter very carefully and then respond to Maurici Bonull's question. If you answer correctly, you will have the chance to choose from among a number of fantastic prizes, awarded bi-monthly. Simply click here to find out about all the details of this exciting game.
A Little Bit of EverythingDon't think that the only thing you'll find in Cavall Fort are games. Yes, there are games of all sorts, such as crosswords, riddles and additional games that consist of pairing up images or completing commonly known phrases. And yet both the published version of the magazine and the on-line edition contain a whole lot more. There are stories, comics, information sections and sections calling for reader participation, contests, activities…, all brought together in one magazine, so that you can learn and have fun at the same time. You'll also find news items and a culture and leisure agenda as well. What's more, if you check out the magazine web page, you can access the 'El Relligat' section, that features past editions of the magazine, published throughout the course of the previous year. So, go check it out!
Magazines for Children and Young Adults![]()
+ Tretzevents, the oldest magazine published in Catalan.
In addition to Cavall Fort, one of the most well-known magazines, and the oldest among those published in Catalan is Tretzevents. Dedicated to younger readers, it features topics in science, literature, geography, history, cinema, and current events…But that’s not the only one; in today's world, there are a whole pile of magazines for kids and young people…Here's a small sample: Cucafera, one option available for youngsters to learn while learning to read; the Revista dels Súpers, dedicated to members of the Club Super3 K3 TV program; Esquitx, the only Catalan magazine published in the Balearic Islands; and Cornabou, an on-line publication that specializes in literature.
> Fes-te una idea de què va significar Cavall Fort per a la mainada i els joves dels anys seixanta i setanta del segle XX.
> Engresca't a participar en el joc detectivesc 'El segrest del timbaler', ideat per a celebrar la publicació del número 1.000 de Cavall Fort, el març vinent.
> Fes un cop d'ull al panorama actual de la literatura infantil i juvenil en llengua catalana.
> A Cavall Fort, també hi pots trobar saboroses receptes culinàries. Fulleja, si no, l'espai 'A la cuina falta gent'.
I també...
- Aprèn, tot divertint-te, amb els jocs que proposa Cavall Fort.
- Pren nota de les activitats culturals, lúdiques i musicals que brinda Cavall Fort.
- Esbrina quines foren les revistes infantils en català més representatives del període comprès entre el 1892 i el 1931.
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