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'Oliver Twist' Hits the Cinemas

'Oliver Twist'

Charles Dickens...

... and his work

dijous, 1 de desembre de 2005
On the 2nd of December the film 'Oliver Twist' will be at cinemas all over the country, in a new adaptation of the novel of the same name by Charles Dickens (1812-1870), the leading English man of letters of the 19th century.

The film is one hundred and thirty minutes long and has been dubbed into Catalan. It is the work of the film director Roman Polanski, born in Paris in 1933 to a family of Polish Jews. Polanski, who wanted to make a film that was ideal for his children to watch, opted for his own, but, at the same time, faithful interpretation of the one of Dickens' most popular works, which centres on the adventures and misadventures of young Oliver in nineteenth century London.

'Oliver Twist' was filmed in Prague, the beautiful capital of the Czech Republic and the cast is headed by the 12-year old actor Barney Clark, who plays the role of Oliver. The cast also includes Ben Kingsley, who embodies the character of Fagin (in 1982 Kingsley won the Oscar for his performance as Gandhi in the film of the same name).

'Oliver Twist' is Polanski's first film after 'The Pianist', which won him the Oscar for Best Director in 2002.
  • + Webs relacionades dins Nosaltres.Com: Cinema.

'Oliver Twist'

+ Polanski's new film was filmed in Prague.
The novel on which Polanski's new film is based was first published in instalments between 1837 and 1839. It is Dickens' second book, and in it he describes the life of the marginalised and the underworld of nineteenth century London, through the character of an orphan boy, Oliver, who flees an orphanage where he suffers all kinds of humiliations and sets off for London, where he is caught by a gang of pickpockets led by the avaricious Fagin. The protagonist has to suffer all sorts of dangers and overcome many vicissitudes before leaving his misfortunes behind him and facing a promising future.

Charles Dickens...

+ Portrait of Charles Dickens.
Born in 1812 in Portsmouth, England, Charles Dickens had a very tough childhood: in 1824 his father, a clerk who was somewhat reckless with his money, was imprisoned as a debtor and the young Charles was forced to leave school and start work in a blacking warehouse, or shoe-polish factory. This experience marked him profoundly and became a decisive influence on his work, which describes the darkest side of English society of the time, when industrial development gave rise to a rich bourgeoisie but also led many people into poverty, marginalisation and despair. Dickens wrote about the social injustices of the time he lived in, that came to be known as the Victorian era.

... and his work

+ 'David Copperfield' is Dickens' most autobiographical novel.
Dickens became the most popular English writer of the nineteenth century, the author of a work that portrayed English society keenly and with irony, compassion and wit. As well as 'Oliver Twist', his most well-known titles include 'A Christmas Carol', 'Hard Times', 'The Tale of Two Cities', 'Great Expectations' and 'David Copperfield', the latter being his most autobiographical novel.


  • Oliver Twist
    Pàgina del film basat en la novel·la de Charles Dickens 'Les aventures d'Oliver Twist', que s'estrenarà en català el 2 de desembre.
  • Charles Dickens Animation
    Animació sobre la vida de Charles Dickens.
  • Dickens
    Pàgina didàctica sobre l'escriptor.
  • David Perdue's Charles Dickens Page
    Una altra pàgina enterament dedicada a l'autor anglès: novel·les, personatges, glossari, vincles...
  • Charles Dickens
    Llista de films basats en la seva obra.
  • Cinema en català
    A la pàgina de la Generalitat de Catalunya: cartellera, pròximes estrenes, DVD i vídeo, vincles...


  • Of all the various film versions of 'Oliver Twist', the ones that stands out was directed by David Lean in 1948, with the great actor Alec Guinness in the role of Fagin, and the musical directed by Carol Reed in 1968.
  • Charles Dickens wrote two travel books: 'American Notes', in which he denounced the materialism that, in his view, was to be found in North-American society, and 'Pictures from Italy', about the country where he spent one year of his life.


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Com apuntar-s'hi


Espot en català del film 'Oliver Twist'.
Tràiler del llarg-metratge dirigit pel polonès Roman Polanski.
Semblança de Charles Dickens.
Nota sobre els seus escrits.
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