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A Milestone in the Fight against Smoking

The Consequences of Smoking

Women and Smoking

The Fight against Smoking

dilluns, 21 de febrer de 2005
In their fight against smoking, healthcare organisations all over the world are now being joined by a growing number of states. The clearest demonstration of this is the World Health Organisation Framework Convention on Tobacco Control, which has been ratified by over fifty countries and will come into force on the 27th of February.

This Convention, as its name denotes, has been promoted by the World Health Organisation (WHO) and was drawn up as a response to the problem of smoking addiction, a disease that has reached global proportions.

The main purpose of the Framework Convention on Tobacco Control is, then, to protect present and future generations from the devastating effects of smoking, from health, social, environmental and economic perspectives. With this in mind, it lays out a set of measures aiming to reduce consumption on a continuous basis.

These measures include the banning of tobacco advertising and promotion, control of packaging and labelling and raising social awareness of the risks of smoking. The Convention plans to levy taxes and, potentially, to implement dissuasive prices and legislative measures to protect people from being exposed to tobacco smoke.

The coming into force of the WHO Framework Convention on Tobacco Control represents a milestone in the fight against smoking. Nevertheless, it should be noted that of the 168 signatory states, only 57 have as yet ratified it.
  • +  Webs relacionades dins Nosaltres.Com: Tabaquisme

The Consequences of Smoking

+ The consumption of tobacco has reached the proportions of a global epidemic.
It is not surprising that tobacco addiction is more and more grabbing the attention of health authorities, international bodies and governments all over the world. One only has to look at the data compiled by the World Health Organisation (WHO) to realise that it is a major health and social problem. According to this organisation, smoking is the second most common cause of death in the world, with 5 million deaths a year, which may double by the year 2020 if current levels of consumption continue: at present, tobacco is responsible for the death of one in ten adults in the world.

Women and Smoking

+ About 250 million women in the world are daily smokers.
Over the last few decades there has been a noticeable increase in tobacco consumption among women. So much so that there are currently 250 million women in the world who smoke on a daily basis: that's 22% of smokers in developed countries and 9% in developing countries. One cannot deny the role played by the tobacco industry, which, in its advertising campaigns, links female smokers with values such as modernity, liberation, emancipation…; a link that, naturally, is totally unfounded.

The Fight against Smoking

+ Italy has imposed a ban on smoking in public places.
As mentioned above, more and more states are adopting various measures to fight against tobacco addiction. In the spring of 2004, Ireland became the first European country to legally ban smoking in public spaces. Since then, this measure has also been adopted by Norway and Italy. Outside Europe, the United States and Australia are also at the forefront of the fight against smoking.


  • Conveni Marc del Control del Tabac, de l'OMS
    Text íntegre d'aquest conveni negociat sota els auspicis de l'Organització Mundial de la Salut (OMS).
  • Tobacco Free Initiative
    Organisme de l'OMS, instituït el 1998 per a lluitar contra el tabaquisme.
  • The Tobacco Atlas
    Web que mostra, amb mapes i gràfics, l'efecte del tabaquisme i que informa d'aspectes diversos relacionats amb el tabac: percentatge d'homes, dones i joves fumadors, riscs sanitaris, fumadors passius, el comerç del tabac, costs econòmics...
  • Tabac
    Pàgina del departament de Salut de la Generalitat de Catalunya sobre el tabac: informació adreçada a la població, epidemiologia, vincles...
  • El tabac
    Una altra pàgina sobre el tabac, aquesta del Col·legi de Farmacèutics de la Província de Barcelona.
  • Tabaco
    Espai de la Comissió Europea, que informa de les iniciatives de la Unió per a combatre el tabaquisme.


  • According to the WHO, of the 1,250 million smokers in the world, half (around 625 million) will eventually die because of their tobacco addiction.
  • In the period 1990-2002 in the Principality of Catalonia, the percentage of men aged 15 and over that smoke went from 47.3 % to 38 %, while that of women smokers went from 22.4 % to 26.6 %.
  • On the 17th of December 2004, Bhutan, a country bordering on China and India, became the first country in the world to ban the sale of tobacco and smoking in public.


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Com apuntar-s'hi


Llista dels estats que han ratificat el Conveni Marc del Control del Tabac.
Galeria de vídeos sobre tabaquisme.
Efectes del tabac en la salut.
Avantatges de deixar de fumar.
I també...
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