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Around the World in 71 Days

The Feat of a Dame

An Epic Voyage Full of Difficulties

Previous Records

dilluns, 14 de febrer de 2005
On the 7th of February 2005, at 10.29 pm precisely, the British yachtswoman Ellen MacArthur, 28, crossed a new threshold in the history of maritime travel, having completed a solo round-the-world voyage in record time: 71 days, 14 hours, 18 minutes and 33 seconds.

MacArthur broke the record held by the Frenchman Francis Joyon, set in February 2004 with an equally exceptional time: 72 days, 22 hours, 54 minutes and 22 seconds. The British yachtswoman beat the world record by almost 33 hours.

MacArthur, who was confident she could beat Joyon's record but no so sure she could do so on the first attempt, set out on her epic voyage on the 28th of November. The starting point was an imaginary line across the British Channel stretching between Lizard Point in the British Isles and the French Island of Ushant.

She crossed the line again with the world record in her pocket on the 7th of February, sailing a 23 metre long trimaran weighing in at just over 8 tonnes, named Castorama B&Q. The following day, the 8th of February, a flotilla of boats accompanied her to terra firma, where she received a hero's welcome and deservedly so: she had circumnavigated the globe single-handedly and faster than anyone to date. A feat for which she will receive the honorary title of Dame of the British Empire.

The Feat of a Dame

+ Ellen MacArthur circumnavigated the globe in record time.
Indeed, although she had a support team behind her, MacArthur travelled the 43,000 km of her route alone and in a very light yacht, all the more vulnerable to the lashing of the sea. The British sailor started off southwards towards the Cape of Good Hope, southernmost point of Africa; after going round the Cape, she steered the trimaran through thousands of kilometres of inhospitable ocean until she reached Cape Horn, at the Southern tip of South America close to Antarctica; once past this Cape, she sailed over the waters of the Atlantic northwards until she reached her starting point, exhausted but immensely happy to have overcome this amazing challenge.

An Epic Voyage Full of Difficulties

+ The British yachtswoman beat the world record by almost 33 hours.
But before finally completing the challenge, Ellen MacArthur had to face several difficulties: storms, enormous waves, extremely strong gusts of wind. In the last section of her crossing, these gusts seemed to put the world record out of her reach. And as if these extreme weather conditions were not enough, she also had to dodge icebergs and to top it all, she almost collided with a whale.

Previous Records

+ Sir Robin Knox-Johnston: the first to single-handedly circumnavigate the Earth.
The first person to single-handedly circumnavigate the Earth was another British sailor, Sir Robin Knox-Johnston, in 1969, who completed the journey in 312 days, without the technical resources available today. Over the years, records have been successively broken but it was thought that the one set last year by Francis Joyon would be held for some time, because this French yachtsman broke the previous record by 20 days. And this really allows us to appreciate the amazing scale of MacArthur's feat.


  • Team Ellen
    Web oficial de l'equip que ha treballat per fer realitat el rècord mundial de navegació d'Ellen MacArthur. Notícies, vídeos de la travessia, missatges de felicitació...
  • Sailing
    Pàgina de BBC Sports, que informa força de la gesta de la navegant britànica.
  • World Sailing Speed Record Council
    Consell encarregat de certificar els rècords de navegació marítima.
  • Age of Exploration
    Pàgina dedicada a l'exploració marítima, des del temps antic fins a la darreria del segle XVIII. Inclou força biografies de navegants.


  • In 1995, when she was just 18 years old, Ellen MacArthur circumnavigated the British Isles in a boat less than 6.5 metres long.
  • Last year the British yachtswoman crossed the Atlantic from West to East and just missed beating the world record by 75 minutes.
  • The first circumnavigation of the world dates from modern times. The expedition was led by the Portuguese captain Ferdinand Magellan. It left Sanlúcar de Barrameda (Cadiz) in 1519, with the aim of reaching the Far East by the Western route. Three years later, in 1522, just one of the five ships that had set off returned, captained by the Basque sailor Juan Sebastian Elkano.


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Com apuntar-s'hi


Guia animada del periple d'Ellen MacArthur.
La ruta seguida, de dia en dia.
La gesta de la navegant britànica, en imatges.
Llista dels rècords de circumnavegació de la Terra anteriors al de MacArthur.
I també...
  • El moment exacte en què la nova Dama britànica batia el rècord mundial.
  • La primera volta al món, capitanejada inicialment pel portuguès Fernão Magalhães i duta a terme pel basc Juan Sebastian Elkano.
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