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Women's Football

Marigol: The New Star at Barça

Huge Following in the United States

The Global Elite

dimarts, 8 de febrer de 2005
Football is a sport that draws millions of fans all over the world, especially in Europe and South America, where it is the true 'king of sports'. It is a sport that is now being played more and more by women who some time ago challenged the unfounded cliché that football is for men.

Indeed, women's football over the last few years has really grown, to the point that today it has over thirty million players all over the world. Furthermore, this growth is not only quantitative, but is also noticeable in the international recognition it has attained.

For example, in 1991 the Fédération Internationale de Football Association (FIFA) organised the first World Championship and five years later, in 1996, the Atlanta Olympic Games opened the way to women's football (the final drew a seventy-six thousand strong crowd); likewise, in 2002, the World Under-19s took place for the first time, also organised by FIFA.

As regards our country, the Principality of Catalonia has been a pioneer in women's football: in 1914 the first team was founded. However, the real driver did not come until the 1970s, a few years before the end of the Franco dictatorship, at a time when it was not at all well thought of that girls play football.
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Marigol: The New Star at Barça

+ Marigol scored a hat-trick in her debut at Barça .
Marigol: this is the nickname by which the Mexican footballer Maribel Domínguez is known. She is considered one of the best players in the world and has recently been signed by Barcelona Football Club for a period of six months. The new star of women's football had her debut at Barça on the 30th of January and scored a hat-trick in a league match in which Barcelona beat Torrejón 5-0. Marigols' fame began to spread internationally in late 2004, when she was signed by Atlético Celaya, a men's team in Mexico because the country has no women's football league. But finally, FIFA did not allow her to play in the men's team.

Huge Following in the United States

+ In the US, women's football is well represented at schools and universities.
In the US, sports such as American football, basketball and baseball are extremely popular, but this does not take away from the fact that there are lots of soccer fans, especially among girls and university students. In fact, women's football is well represented at schools and universities, more than men's. The best proof of the interest it raises is the World Cup held there in 1999, with record–breaking crowds in the stadiums and many, many television spectators: forty million for the final.

The Global Elite

+ Germany won the World Cup in 2003.
The final of the 1999 World Cup was won by the United States, who had also won the first Cup in 1991. And this is because US forms part of the global elite of women's football, which also includes Nordic countries such as Norway, Sweden and Denmark, as well as China, Brazil and Germany…; the latter took home the most recent Cup in 2003, after beating Sweden 2-1 in the final.


  • Futbol femení
    Pàgina sobre el futbol femení al Principat: història, notícies i competicions. Des de la web de la Federació Catalana de Futbol.
  • Fútbol femenino
    Espai de la FIFA dedicat al futbol femení: calendari, resultats, classificacions, premis, mundials...
  • Mundials
    Web del Mundial de Futbol Femení Estats Units 2003. Amb informació dels tres campionats mundials precedents: 1991, 1995 i 1999.
  • Football
    Pàgina del Comitè Olímpic dedicada al futbol.


  • In December 2004, the German player Birgit Prinz was named best female football player by FIFA, a title she had already received in 2003.
  • As well as the United States and Germany (the current champion), the other country that has won a world championship is Norway, which took home the Cup in 1995.
  • As regards the three Olympic Games that have included women's football, the gold medals went to the United States at Atlanta 1996 and Athens 2004, and to Norway at Sydney 2000.


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Com apuntar-s'hi


El Principat, capdavanter del futbol femení del país.
Rànquing de les seleccions estatals, segons la FIFA.
Entrevista amb Birgit Prinz, designada per la FIFA la millor jugadora del món.
Quadre dels resultats del darrer campionat mundial de futbol femení, disputat el 2003 als Estats Units.
I també...
  • Imatges d'aquest mundial.
  • El debut de Marigol, la nova figura del futbol femení blaugrana.
  • Aprofundiu en l'esport més popular del món.
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