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Elections in Iraq

What Are the Iraqis Voting For?

Shias, Sunnis and Kurds

After the Elections

dijous, 27 de gener de 2005
On the 30th of January, elections are due to take place in Iraq, the first since the invasion of this Middle Eastern country. But these elections are framed within a spiral of violence that appears to have no let-up or end in sight.

Indeed, the acts of violence and the guerrilla attacks continue, seven months after the transfer of power that marked the end of the formal occupation of Iraq. So much so that Iyad Allawi, Prime Minister of the Provisional Iraqi Government, admitted a few days ago that there will be areas in which it will be impossible to exercise the right to vote.

Obviously, all this violence makes the process of social, economic and political reconstruction very difficult indeed, when soon it will be two years since the end of the Iraq war. Because of this, it was not too surprising that in his investiture speech on the 20th January, US President George Bush, the main driver behind the war, did not mention Iraq a single time.

It is also worth noting that this January, the United States brought the search for weapons of mass destruction to an end, without having found any. Remember that the existence of these weapons was the main reason given for invading Iraq and toppling the regime of Saddam Hussein.
  • ! Actualització el 31/01/2005 a les 16:43

What Are the Iraqis Voting For?

+ The Electoral Commission was established to manage and supervise the elections.
At the election of the 30th January, the Iraqi people will elect a provisional assembly made up of 275 members that will have the capacity to pass laws and in turn elect a transition government with a Prime Minister to head it. The drawing up of a draft constitution for the country is one of the main tasks that this assembly must complete. Remember that, amongst other things, constitutions define the basic rights and duties of the members of a given community and regulate the functions of the bodies and institutions that govern it.

Shias, Sunnis and Kurds

+ Map of Iraq's ethnoreligious groups.
In Iraq there are three very different communities: the Shia, the Sunni and the Kurd communities, the first of which encompasses the majority of the country, or around 65% of the population. So, as the elections will proceed according to a system of proportional representation, in which the political representatives are elected according to the number of votes they obtain, everything would lead us to think that the Shia will have a lot of influence in the new assembly; especially if one takes into account that some Sunni parties have boycotted the elections and that the area with a Sunni majority, in the centre of Iraq, is the one most lashed by violence. But whatever the election results, the provisional government will have to bear in mind the great diversity of the country. Otherwise, the situation could get even worse.

After the Elections

+ According to UN resolution 1546, the occupying troops will leave Iraq in December 2005.
We've seen, then, that the Iraqis are to elect a transition government. But there will be no permanent or constitutional government until December 2005 at the very earliest, when further elections are planned. According to UN resolution 1546, it is after these elections that the occupying troops will leave Iraq. But for all this to happen in the given timeframe, the draft constitution has to be completed which will then also have to be put to a referendum before the 15th of October.




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I també...
  • La resolució 1546 de l'ONU avala el calendari establert per a la transició política iraquiana.
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