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Trambaix: a Controversial Tramway


The Trambesòs

The Origins of Tramways

dijous, 1 d'abril de 2004
The 3rd of April sees the opening of the Trambaix, the tramway that is to link the town of Sant Joan Despí with Plaça Francesc Macià in Barcelona, passing through the towns of Cornellà de Llobregat, Esplugues de Llobregat and L'Hospitalet de Llobregat. The introduction of this tramline has unleashed a lot of controversy, as we shall see.

Some citizens highlight several advantages of this mode of transport: convenience, accessibility, environmental and economic sustainability (it is less polluting and cheaper), its elegant design…; but there are others who only see disadvantages, such as it complicating the flow of traffic, its slowness or the limited number of passengers it can carry.

Moreover, those who are against the implementation of the tramway cite another reason, which has possibly raised the most controversy of all over the last few months: the increased accident rate. It is not for nothing that, since it has been operating over a trial period, the Trambaix has registered a total of twenty incidents, the last one on the 28th of March.

Whatever the case, the fact is that the controversial tramway is about to start circulating: on the 3rd and 4th of April it can be used by the residents of the towns through which it will pass, and on the 5th it will be open to all users.
  • ! Actualització el 04/04/2004 a les 11:50
  • + Webs relacionades dins Nosaltres.Com: Tramvia


+ Each car has a total capacity of 218 passengers.
The Trambaix Project is made up of three lines, two of which will be opened on the 3rd of April. These two lines are twelve kilometres long and will be used by around fifteen tram cars making twenty-five stops. By way of data, these tram cars are 32.5 metres long, 2.65 wide and 3.27 high, and are made up of a single storey. There are six entry and exit doors per car and a total capacity of 218 passengers, 64 of whom can be seated.

The Trambesòs

+ The Trambesòs will join Barcelona, Sant Adrià de Besòs and Badalona.
As well as the Trambaix, in the next few weeks the Trambesòs will also start to operate, a tramway that will join the city of Barcelona and the towns of Sant Adrià de Besòs and Badalona. The route that will be opened is actually a section of one of the two lines planned, that will link the Plaça de les Glòries in Barcelona to the area in which the Forum 2004 is to take place. This section is supposed to be opened before the 9th of May, when the event starts. But the Trambesòs has not been able to avoid the controversy surrounding the Trambaix.

The Origins of Tramways

+ Tramways date from the mid-nineteenth century.
The first tramways were not at all like they are now, electrified, but used animal traction, i.e., they were pulled by animals. The first city to introduce them was New York in 1842. In our country, the first tramway of these characteristics goes back to 1864, and it went from Carcaixent (Ribera Alta) to Gandia (Safor). But the first city tramway started operating in Barcelona in 1872. It was horse-drawn and linked the city to Gràcia (which was then a separate municipality). At the turn of the nineteenth to the twentieth century, this tramway, and the one operating in the city of Valencia, were electrified. In Barcelona, the tramway stopped running thirty-three years ago, in 1971.


  • El Trambaix i el Trambesòs
    Web de Tramvia Metropolità SA, amb informació relativa a aquests dos tramvies urbans: notícies, projecte, tram, obres...
  • Autoritat del Transport Metropolità
    Consorci encarregat de coordinar el transport públic de la regió metropolitana de Barcelona.
    Web no oficial i reivindicativa del tramvia de Barcelona.
  • Assotram
    Informació històrica i actual sobre les línies de tramvies, troleibusos i autobusos del Principat.
  • Tramvies
    Galeria fotogràfica i vincles de tramvies de tot el món.


  • The Trambaix is not the first tramway to be reintroduced into the country. In Valencia, since 1994, the route taken by line 4 of the underground system is covered by a tram. In 2003, the tramway of Valencia, which is now being extended, had 6 million users.
  • Of the old tramways, the only one still working in Barcelona is the Blue Tram. Opened in 1901, it links the city with the mountain of Tibidabo.
  • The inauguration date of the Trambaix has not been chosen randomly. The date marks the twenty-fifth anniversary of the first local elections. In this way, the idea is to pay homage to the municipalities through which the tram will pass.


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Com apuntar-s'hi


Fotografies de tramvies europeus.
El tramvia de València, primer a reintroduir-se.
Trambaix virtual.
Traçat íntegre d'aquest tramvia.
I també...
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