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The Year of Dalí

Eccentric and provocative


The artist's retreats

dijous, 22 de gener de 2004
This is the Year of Dalí, celebrated in commemoration of the centennial of the birth of the Catalan artist, born in Figueres on 11th May 1904. The fame of this brilliant painter, Salvador Dalí, has surpassed the borders of our country and become one of the leading icons of 20th century art.

This has occurred for two reasons. On the one hand, due to the exceptional nature and originality of his work; on the other hand, due to its provocative and eccentric character, to which no one responded with indifference.

Salvador Dalí excelled above all as a painter. However, he also left sufficient examples of his exceptional talent in many other fields of art and culture. He was a sketcher, illustrator, scene painter, designer and writer, while always maintaining a great passion for scientific progress, very significant during the period in which he happened to live.

The Year of Dalí aims to consider the life and art of the author in greater depth, and bring them closer to more people. Exhibitions, congresses, symposia, films, documentaries, publication of books..., all of this will shed more light on the figure of the painter from the Empordà. The functions will be held not only locally, but throughout the world, in cities linked one way or another to the universe of Dalí.

Eccentric and provocative

+ In 1936, Dalí was featured on the cover of the magazine Time.
It is said that artists are not at all conventional. In the case of Salvador Dalí, this statement is especially true. Dalí was extremely provocative, an eccentric. His outlandish moustache, apparel, very surprising remarks, highly notorious scandals, the extremely original nature of his painting..., all of this ensured that he certainly did not go unnoticed. For example: in the first interview that he gave for the prestigious North American newspaper The New York Times, the journalist was surprised to see Dalí appear wearing the Catalan cap, the barretina, between two immense loaves of bread and a blue flag with skulls. Quite a spectacle...


+ Surrealism pervaded the work of Dalí.
Surrealism began in Paris at the end of the First World War (1914-1918). This artistic and literary movement rejected social conventions. It was highly influenced by Sigmund Freud's theories of psychoanalysis and was based on the world of dreams and the human unconscious. Surrealism pervaded the work of Dalí, who came into contact with this movement in the early 1920s. Some of his most famous and earliest works show the influence of this artistic trend: 'The Great Masturbator' (1929), 'The Persistence of Memory' (1931) and 'The Enigma of William Tell' (1933). The latter work and other contemporary works represent Lenin, the Russian communist revolutionary. This marked the beginning of the break with the surrealists, who were committed communists.

The artist's retreats

+ The Salvador Dalí Museum-House is located in Portlligat.
The life and work of Salvador Dalí are closely linked to three places in the Empordà: Figueres, Portlligat and Púbol. Figueres is the place where he was born and died, and where he himself planned the Dalí Theatre-Museum, inaugurated in 1974. The lovely location of Portlligat was his source of inspiration. In this neighbourhood in the municipal district of Cadaqués his house was built from a cabin that he managed to buy thanks to the money obtained from sales of 'The Old Age of William Tell'. Finally, Púbol is the site of the castle he gave as a gift to his dear Gala, who accepted it on the condition that he could only enter if expressly invited.


  • Any Dalí
    Portal de l'Any Dalí, que permet de conèixer el programa d'activitats commemoratives que es fan a ciutats diverses d'arreu del món.
  • Fundació Gala-Salvador Dalí
    Web de la fundació que gestiona, protegeix i fomenta el llegat artístic i cultural de Salvador Dalí. Informa, amb tots els detalls, del Teatre-Museu Dalí de Figueres, la Casa-Museu Castell Gala Dalí de Púbol i la Casa-Museu Salvador Dalí de Portlligat (Cadaqués).
  • Museu Dalí de Sant Petersburg (Florida)
    Museu que exposa una extensa col·lecció de l'obra del pintor empordanès: noranta-cinc olis i un centenar de dibuixos.
  • Dalí, escriptor
    Pàgina sobre Salvador Dalí a l'espai literari Lletra, de la Universitat Oberta de Catalunya (UOC).
  • Recursos
    Adreça del Centre de Recursos Pedagògics Baix Llobregat IV, amb tot de materials sobre la figura de Salvador Dalí.
  • El surrealisme
    Espai de l'edu365 centrat en el surrealisme, moviment artístic i literari d'avantguarda que va influir decisivament l'obra 'daliniana'.
  • Salvador Dalí Art Gallery
    Web en anglès que conté una extensa mostra de la producció artística del genial pintor.


  • In 1929, the French surrealist poet Paul Éluard and his wife Helena Ivanovna, referred to as Gala, visited Dalí in Portlligat. Dalí and Gala fell in love, and from then on she became the painter's advisor, model, muse and inseparable companion.
  • In 1936, Dalí became the first Catalan citizen to be featured on the cover of the prestigious magazine Time.
  • Dalí was a great admirer of the Marx Brothers. In 1936, he sent an unusual gift to one of them, the 'dumb' Harpo: a harp with thorns as strings.
  • Some minor examples of Dalí's provocative tone: 'I am the hostage of a genius', 'Surrealism is me', 'modesty is not exactly my specialty’ and 'life is an aspiration, a respiration and an expiration'.


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Com apuntar-s'hi


Federico García Lorca i Luis Buñuel, grans amics del jove Dalí.
Portlligat, la seva font d'inspiració.
Tomb virtual pel Teatre-Museu Dalí.
El castell de Púbol, present de Dalí a Gala.
I també...
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