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World Space Week

How to Participate

Learn about Space

Drawn Toward the Universe

dilluns, 6 d'octubre de 2003
October 4th to 10th is World Space Week, an event dedicated to the contributions that have been made by space sciences and technology to the improvement of living conditions for humans the world over.

Dates for the event, which was instituted by the United Nations in 1999, were not chosen at random, as they commemorate two very significant events to the history of space exploration. The first corresponds to the launch of the first man-made satellite, Sputnik-1 on October 4th, 1957. The second marks the date in which the Outer Space Treaty came into force. The Treaty was approved by the UN in order to regulate the activities of all States in everything concerning the use and exploration of space.

The theme of World Space Week 2003 is 'Space: Horizon Beyond Earth'. Organizers hope to motivate participants to consider the two ways in which humanity has traditionally perceived space: as being a realm of exploration, to satisfy our curiosity and desire for knowledge and as a test laboratory, in order to improve living conditions on Earth.

Space Week isn't just about this, shall we say, philosophical issue. Quite the contrary, in fact, as there are more than fifty countries in five continents the world over that are actively participating in a variety of ways in order to gain a greater knowledge of space.

How to Participate

+ Lance Bass, singer of the group NSYNC, will be awarding the prizes.
Now don't think that all these activities are organized by participating countries. That's hardly the case, because actually World Space Week is open to anyone and everyone who wants to participate: government agencies, private companies, educational institutions, altruistic organizations, teachers, individuals…They are all invited to celebrate World Space Week, and to come up with a wide variety of activities relating to science. And of course it goes with out mentioning that students are obviously invited as well. As it is to students in particular that the competition 'Lance's Lab' is addressed. The competition hopes to encourage the interest of students in the Universe and the engineering of space exploration. Winners of the competition will even have the opportunity to personally meet Lance Bass, singer of the group NSYNC, who will be awarding prizes in a ceremony scheduled for spring, 2004.

Learn about Space

+ Learn about Space is amusing.
In keeping with the goal of learning more about space and our interest to participate in the celebration of World Space Week, we would like to invite you to take a look at the files that the Diari de l'Escola prepared in last year on space and astronomy. Of particular interest among these files which were created to provide information on events occurring throughout the course of the year, are those detailing the European Space Agency's missions to the Moon and Mars, respectively; publicity resulting from the deciphering of the origins of the Universe; our activities relating to the seventieth edition of Science Week; and the file focusing on the discovery of a new planetary system that resembles ours. We hope that you'll learn lots!

Drawn Toward the Universe

+ Claudius Ptolemy, influential astronomer of the second century A.D.
The Universe has interested humanity since time immemorial. Scientists and philosophers of all eras have striven to comprehend it and unravel its mysteries. And of course, knowledge acquired over the passing of the centuries has varied greatly. Thousands years ago, they first thought that the Earth was flat, not round, and that it was located right in the centre of the Universe. They also believed that the planets were deities that influenced the destinies of mankind, and played a role in each person's fortune or failure. These concepts may appears strange, and even naïve to us now, however we mustn't forget that they were conceived by very intelligent individuals, who were attempting to understand the Universe, yet who did not have the adequate instruments and technology available to do so. That began to change during the 17th century, with the coming of great scientific advancements carried out by great minds, such as Isaac Newton, Galileo Galilei and Johannes Kepler. However, it wasn't until the 20th century that space exploration took a radical turn, when man sent the first rockets into space, and began to sketch out the Big Bang Theory, and discovered the chemical structure of the Sun, and landed on the Moon


  • Setmana Mundial de l'Espai
    Web oficial d'aquest esdeveniment que es fa cada any del 4 al 10 d'octubre. Inclou una guia per al professorat, alhora que permet d'accedir a la competició científica Lance's Lab, adreçada als estudiants.
  • Història de la ciència clàssica
    Espai que informa, amb tot detall, del pensament científic durant l'antiguitat. Realitzat per l'IES Forat del Vent de Cerdanyola del Vallès (Vallès Occidental), conté una secció dedicada a les visions de l'Univers sostingudes per científics i filòsofs grecs.
  • Què hi ha a l'Univers?
    Didàctica pàgina del portal educatiu Edu365 que informa de les galàxies, el Sistema Solar, la Terra i la Lluna.
  • Astronomia educativa
    Web que ofereix una completa visió de l'Univers. Elaborada per alumnes del CEIP l'Àlber, d'Albesa (Noguera), s'adreça a estudiants de primària i secundària.
  • Astronomia a la xarxa
    Recursos educatius sobre astronomia a la Xarxa Telemàtica Educativa de Catalunya (XTEC).
  • Ciència i tecnologia
    Secció de l'hemeroteca del Diari de l'Escola que comprèn les notícies de ciència i tecnologia publicades durant el darrer any.
  • Agència Europea de l'Espai
    Agència d'àmbit europeu que, recentment, ha impulsat dues missions, una a la Lluna i l'altra al planera Mart. Patrocina activament la Setmana Mundial de l'Espai.


  • Galileo Galilei (1564-1642) was one of the greatest astronomers in the Early Modern Era. Using a telescope that he constructed himself, he observed the phases of the planet Venus, the surface of the moon, and the moons of Jupiter…However he is most widely recognized for his explanation of the Heliocentric Theory, which had been drawn out a century before by Nicholas Copernicus. Galileo, following this theory, stated that the Sun was located in the centre of the Solar System, which contradicted the prevalent theory at that time, which maintained that the Earth was the centre of the Universe. Time would prove him correct.
  • As you already must know, the Solar System is made up of nine planets. However, Pluto, the planet furthest from the Sun, was not identified until 1930. That's not long ago at all!
  • The first astronaut, or shall we say, the first person in space was Russian Yuri Gagarin, in 1961. After orbiting a complete circle around the Earth that lasted 108 minutes, Gagarin used a parachute to land on the frozen ground in Siberia (Russia). It was exactly two years ago now that the newspaper in which Gagarin published the impression of his voyage was auctioned for... 171.000 dollars, an undeniable fortune.


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Com apuntar-s'hi


Cerca com les escoles poden participar en la Setmana Mundial de l'Espai.
Llegeix els detalls de la missió de l'Agència Espacial Europea a la Lluna, que va sortir el 28 de setembre.
Saps quan va néixer l'Univers?
Engresca't a participar en la competició científica Lance's Lab, ideada pels organitzadors de la Setmana Mundial de la Ciència.
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