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Three September 11ths

September 11th, 1714

..., 1973

...and 2001

dijous, 11 de setembre de 2003
September 11th, 1714 was a fateful date for the Principality of Catalonia, as it was the day it was witness to the annihilation of its institutions and the ultimate loss of its autonomy as a nation, as a result of the progressive conquest of its liberties that had begun in the Middle Ages. Each year on the 11th of September, the Catalan people celebrate what they refer to as La Diada, a national day of recognition that serves as both a celebration and a protest.

The date of September 11th, 1714 is of particular importance in the Spanish War of Succession (1701-1715), the name for the conflict which arose in 1700, after King Charles II of Spain died with no heir. The main pretenders to the throne were Philippe of Anjou, grand-son of the French King Louis XIV, and the Archduke Charles of Austria, son of the Austrian Emperor. In broad terms, the territories pertaining to the crown of Catalonia and Aragon, consisting of Valencia and Aragon, the Balearic Islands and the Principality of Catalonia, were in support of the Archduke, as they viewed him as being a defender of their own institutions. Castile, on the other hand, was mostly in favor of Philippe, who was a firm supporter of an absolutist and centralist government.

The battle fought between the two sides concluded with the victory of the troops from France and Castile under Philippe of Anjou, later to become Philippe V. On September 11th, 1714, Barcelona finally surrendered after having put up a heroic effort to resist against the brutal attacks of Philippe's troops.

The Catalans are not the only ones to commemorate the date of September 11th, as it was in Chile, exactly thirty years ago on September 11th when a series of dramatic events occurred. On that day in 1973, the Chilean army, lead by General Pinochet, executed a coup d'état that overthrew the democratic government of the president Salvador Allende, who would die as a result. The country fell under great suppression and was witness to the assassination of close to three thousand of its citizens.

One mustn't forget to mention September 11th, 2001, when the terrorist network Al- Qaida brought about the death of nearly three thousand individuals when it caused two planes to crash into New York's World Trade Center and a third to crash into the Pentagon in Washington. In the following paragraphs, we will take a look at the events of each of these three September 11ths.
  • ! Actualització el 11/09/2003 a les 19:40

September 11th, 1714

+ On September 11th, 1714, Barcelona finally surrendered.
Previous to the Spanish War of Succession, the territories comprising the crown of Catalonia and Aragon had been governed by a series of laws and institutions that were distinct to those used to rule Castile. However, that all came to an end following the conclusion of the War, as in 1716, Philip V, without further thought, repealed all autonomous privileges in a decree issued for the reorganization of government, known as the Nova Planta. From that time onward, the laws of Castile were imposed throughout the nation, resulting in the suppression of our country's own governmental institutions, such as the Generalitat and Les Corts, as well as initiated an on-going persecution of the Catalan language. Many years would pass before these autonomous privileges were partially recovered, if only in a general manner, as it didn't occur until after the dictatorship of Franco (1939-1975) and consolidation of a democratic government was achieved.
The consequences of the Spanish War of Succession have yet to be undone. Many Catalan citizens and members of various political parties demand greater political sovereignty for the territories belonging to the former Catalan-Aragonese crown; however these claims are met with resistance from the Spanish State. And so, the tug of war goes on.

..., 1973

+ Salvador Allende, president of Chile between 1970 and 1973.
In 1970, the Unidad Popular, or Chilean Popular Unity government, consisting of a leftist coalition lead by Salvador Allende, was elected into power following a very close electoral victory. With a determined will to improve the standard of living of Chilean workers, the new government aimed at achieving socialism via pacific means. However the methods adopted by the government ended up dividing the country. Nevertheless, in 1973, the Unidad Popular was once again victor on election day. And yet this victory resulted in a coup d'état lead by Pinochet on September 11th, which was the onset of a brutal dictatorship. Pinochet's power continued until 1998, when he was expected to retire as head of the army. That same year, however, the sanguinary dictator was detained while in Britain as being presumed as accountable for the deaths of Spanish citizens in Chile. In the end he was not tried, however his detention opened up a debate on the issue of whether to create an international court of justice which would allow for the prosecution of criminals, no matter where they were from.

...and 2001

+ A hijacked plane crashes into the south tower of the World Trade Center.
You certainly must recall September 11th, 2001, the date of the horrible terrorist attacks on Washington and New York that shook the entire world. Many people feel that history took a radical turn that day. The government of the United States initiated a crusade against the so-called 'forces of evil'; Afghanistan was invaded only two months after the attacks, and persecution of Usama Bin Laden, leader of the Al-Qaida terrorist group was also initiated. Even today, it is still not known whether he is alive or dead. In March of this year, just over a year later, the American government, with support from Spain and Great Britain, went to war against the Iraqi regime of Saddam Hussein. In its decision to initiate war no matter what the price, the United States stood in direct opposition of the UN, which was founded in 1945 for the preservation of world peace. And yet still today, a half a year after the start of the war, Anglo-American troops are unable to take control of Iraq, and have requested the assistance of…none other than that UN!


  • 1714: Set de rei. Sota la pell del diable. Toc de vespres
    Trilogia novel·lada sobre la Guerra de Successió (1702-1715) i l'11 de setembre de 1714, quan Barcelona fou derrotada a mans de les tropes de Felip V.
    Editorial Columna
  • El decret de Nova Planta
    Text íntegre del decret de Nova Planta (1716), que significà la fi de les llibertats i les institucions pròpies dels territoris de l'antiga corona catalano-aragonesa.
  • La Guerra de Successió
    Vídeo de la Xarxa Telemàtica Educativa de Catalunya (XTEC) que presenta les diferents fases de la Guerra de Successió, en què s'enfrontaren, a grans trets, els territoris de la corona catalano-aragonesa i Castella.
  • Història de Barcelona
    Web que ressegueix la història de la ciutat de Barcelona, des dels temps antics fins l'actualitat.
  • Xile: trenta anys d'un cop
    Reportatge de la cadena britànica BBC que analitza el cop de l'estat de l'11 de setembre de 1973 i les conseqüències que se'n van derivar. Conté una seguida d'imatges sobre els fets que s'esdevingueren durant aquella jornada. En castellà.
  • L'11 de setembre del 2001
    Dossier especial de VilaWeb realitzat amb motiu del primer aniversari, l'11 de setembre del 2002, dels atemptats sobre Washington i Nova York. Inclou diverses webs d'interès i un reportatge fotogràfic sobre els atacs.


  • The Spanish War of Succession did not end precisely with the fall of Barcelona on September 11th, 1714. The last city to hold up against the attack of Philip V's troops was Cardona, which did not surrender until September 18th. In addition, the island of Majorca also struggled opposite the attack until finally surrendering in 1715.
  • The United Nations, the international organization originally promoted in 1942 by American president Franklin Delano Roosevelt to maintain world peace, was in strong opposition to the war with Iraq, contrary to the opinion of the United States government. This is one good example that proves not all American governments have historically been warmongers.


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Com apuntar-s'hi


Mira aquest vídeo que recrea les fases de la Guerra de Successió.
Repassa la trajectòria vital de Rafael Casanova i Comes, conseller en cap durant el setge de Barcelona el 1714.
Després de la caiguda de les Torres Bessones es presentaren un seguit de projectes de reconstrucció de l'anomenada 'zona zero'; fins i tot n’hi havia un que l'arquitecte Antoni Gaudí havia projectat entre els anys 1908 i 1911. Heus-ne els detalls
I també...
  • Aprofundeix en la història xilena des del 1970, quan Salvador Allende assolí la presidència de la república.
  • Informa't del paper del govern dels Estats Units en la història recent de Xile en aquest article.
  • Escolta l’última al·locució que Salvador Allende adreçà al poble xilè, l'11 de setembre de 1973.
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