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150 years since the birth of Vincent van Gogh

Van Gogh and Gauguin

Suffering and genius

A late-blooming talent

dijous, 27 de març de 2003
This Sunday, March 30, marks the 150th anniversary of the birth of one of the greatest geniuses of contemporary history, the Dutch painter Vincent Van Gogh, whose work has been an important influence upon modern art.

It cannot be said the life he led was a bed of roses. A series of failures affected him deeply. After leaving his studies early, he started working for his uncles in their art gallery, an event that gave him access to the contemporary art scene in his country.

But this relative tranquility was to disappear before long. The first failed love affairs, a congenital mental disorder and an excessively sensitive temperament made for a life full of anguish and despair.

His enormous sensitivity made him prone, from a very young age, to the most unfortunate kind of sufferings and he sought solace in religion, an influence he owed to his father, a Protestant minister. And so, after a time of profound indecision about what to do with his life, Van Gogh moved to the Borinage region of Belgium in 1878, the poorest in the country. There he attempted to minister to the mining community, renouncing his possessions to live like them, although they were repelled by the extreme fervor with which he predicated his faith.

At the beginnings of the 1880s, Van Gogh took the first steps toward becoming a professional painter, but it was not until 1886 in Paris, four years before his death, that he would relate with the most important French Impressionist painters that were so much in vogue then.

Despite the influence of the Parisian impressionists, his own style was most shaped in the lands of the French Midi. In the town of Arles, Van Gogh created an art characterized by bright and undiluted colors. His use of this palette to reflect his intense inner life was such an innovation that he is considered the pioneer of Expressionism, and in a larger sense, of modern art.
  • ! Actualització el 30/03/2003 a les 12:00
  • Dossier sobre Vincent van Gogh a la BBC. Especial per a estudiants.

Van Gogh and Gauguin

+ Paul Gauguin had a problematic relationship with Vincent van Gogh.
Toward the end of his life, Vincent van Gogh had a brief, intense and problematic relationship with another master painter of the 19th century, the Frenchman Paul Gauguin (1848-1903). Both painters were influenced by the Impressionist school and shared an interest in pure and luminous colors. Their relationship began in the fall of 1886, shortly after the idea was conceived to create an artist's community to share expenses and artistic ideas and to offer each other mutual support. It was with this intention that Van Gogh relocated to Arles, in the Midi region of France. Gauguin arrived shortly afterwards and Van Gogh received him with a series of paintings featuring sunflowers. Despite the warm welcome, the friendship soon deteriorated until the final rupture on the evening of December 23, 1888. After a fierce fistfight, Van Gogh assaulted the French painter with a razor, frightening him so much that he abandoned the community the next day. Van Gogh cut his right earlobe off later that same night and sent it to Gauguin as a symbol of his remorse.

Suffering and genius

+ Vincent van Gogh was an extremely sensitive genius.
Works of great genius are rarely the result of a serene and happy life and plenty of common sense. On the contrary, study the biographies of artists, and most will reveal a recurring pattern: anguish, suffering and supreme sensitivity to the environment that surrounds them. And this holds especially true in the case of Vincent van Gogh. Suffering from failed love affairs and a congenital mental illness that defied diagnosis and effective treatment, he attempted to relieve his pain by resorting to alcohol. His brilliant work is not, as has been rather precipitously asserted, the artistic translation of a crazed sensibility. Rather, in this issue we propose a different interpretation: that he was an extremely sensitive genius whose use of color in his paintings – so radically different from anything up to that point – allowed him to portray the 'terrible passions of human nature'.

A late-blooming talent

+ 'Vincent's bedroom in Arles', one of the most famous Van Gogh paintings.
What is remarkable given his brief life span, Van Gogh's talent as a painter did not emerge until he was 30 years old, seven years before his death. Notwithstanding, his contact with the world of art started as a youngster. At the age of sixteen, he began to work in his uncles' art gallery, where he was exposed to the art of contemporary Dutch painters. But it wasn't until the end of 1882 that he began to paint the first of his well-known works, among which 'Girl Under Trees' and 'The Potato Eaters' are most noteworthy. Three years later, he moved to Paris where he became immersed in French Impressionism and associated with artists like Toulouse-Lautrec, Gauguin, Signac and Bernard. From this point on, he began the prolific artistic production that would eventually earn him worldwide fame.


  • Museu Vincent van Gogh
    Pàgina oficial del Museu Vincent van Gogh de la ciutat neerlandesa d'Amsterdam.
  • Les obres de Van Gogh
    Completa pàgina dedicada íntegrament a la figura del genial pintor Vincent van Gogh. Permet de visualitzar la majoria dels quadres que va pintar, agrupats per èpoques.
  • Pintura impressionista i postimpressionista
    L'obra i la vida dels principals artistes impressionistes i postimpressionistes, en aquesta pàgina web.
  • Història de l'art
    Pàgina de la Xarxa Telemàtica Educativa de Catalunya (XTEC) que conté una gran varietat de recursos i vincles sobre art, des dels temps prehistòrics fins l'actualitat.
  • Conèixer l'art
    Interessant i didàctica pàgina web on podreu aprendre a conèixer l'art, ja sigui pictòric, escultòric o arquitectònic. Conté diferents activitats amb fins educatius.
  • L'enciclopèdia de l'art
    La més completa enciclopèdia d'art a la xarxa, en aquest lloc web.
  • L’expressionisme
    Pàgina web sobre el moviment expressionista, del que Vincent van Gogh n’és considerat el precursor.


  • Van Gogh sold only one painting during his lifetime, something that can seem paradoxical but which is actually the norm with many artists. In regards to this fact, the gifted painter was known to have said, 'I can't change the fact that my paintings don't sell. But the time will come when people will recognize that they are worth more than the value of the paints used in the picture'. Fortunately, time has proved him right.
  • Van Gogh first installed himself in a café upon his arrival in Arles. But soon after, he decided to rent four rooms in a 2 floor house, known as 'the yellow house'. Indeed, one of the painter’s most famous painting is 'Vincent's bedroom in Arles' which he occupied while he lived.


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Com apuntar-s'hi


Diferents experts consideren Vincent van Gogh el precursor del moviment pictòric expressionista? Què en saps, de l’expressionisme? En aquesta pàgina n’aprendràs els trets més característics?
Entre els anys 1886 i 1888, Vincent van Gogh va viure a París, fet que li va permetre d'entrar en contacte amb els pintors impressionistes més importants del moment. Saps quins eren, aquest pintors? La resposta és aquí.
'Els menjadors de patates' és un dels quadres que millor reflecteix el compromís social de Vincent van Gogh. El podràs veure fent un clic aquí.
Entre el febrer de 1888 i maig de 1889, en l'estada que va fer a Arle, Vincent van Gogh va pintar alguns dels quadres més apreciats i coneguts pels experts i, àdhuc, pel gran públic. Aquesta web et permetrà de veure'n els més representatius.
I també...
  • 'L'habitació de Vincent a Arle' és una de les pintures més famoses de Van Gogh. Es tracta d'un quadre enganyós, car, malgrat que sembli mancat de sentit de la proporció, el cert és que en té, i molta. Si vols veure aquest obra mestra, clica aquesta adreça.
  • Quins van ésser els dos màxims representants del moviment expressionista?. L'XTEC te'n ofereix la resposta.
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