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The Irish celebrate Saint Patrick's Day

The Celts

The Irish in the United States

The Irish conflict

dilluns, 17 de març de 2003
On March 17, millions of Irish around the world celebrate St. Patrick's Day, named for Ireland's patron saint. While this holiday is most obviously celebrated in Ireland, it is also a big day in the United States, which is home to a very large community of Irish ancestry.

The parade is St. Patrick's Day most distinctive trademark. In Ireland, the entire country turns out to celebrate the national holiday. The streets of Dublin, the capital, fill with people dressed in green, symbol of the Irish spring as well as the shamrock -or three-leafed clover- Saint Patrick used while preaching. And the same happens throughout North American cities, such as Boston and New York, where in the latter of the two, hundreds of thousands of the descendants of Irish immigrants make their way up Manhattan's 5th Avenue toward St. Patrick's Old Cathedral.

In the most Irish of American cities, the celebration at the pubs and clubs continues into the wee hours of the morning. As the saying goes, 'everyone's Irish on Saint Patrick’s Day', no matter where they live.

Saint Patrick, a monk and missionary during the 5th century, was probably a Welshman, although there are those who say he was a Scotsman, or even a Breton. He is credited with bringing Christianity to Ireland, and for the Christian conversion of the people of Celtic origin in that country.

The life of this saint, whose name was Maewyn Succat before he converted to Christianity, is filled with legend. He is said to have performed various miracles, including purging the country of all its snakes by driving them into the sea. To illustrate the Christian dogma of the Trinity (the Father, Son and Holy Spirit) he is fabled to have held a three-leafed clover while he preached.

The Celts

+ Ireland is a country permeated with the ancient culture of the Celts.
Ireland is a country permeated with the rich and ancient culture of the Celts. An Indo-European people whose origins trace back to central Europe, they settled throughout most of Western Europe. This ancient nation was organized in three tiers: the king, the aristocracy and the free country-people. Druids also played a key role in society as those responsible for performing the rites of magic and religion. And Ireland is not the only place where the Celtic culture has survived. Scotland, Wales, the Isle of Man, Brittany, Cornwall and Galicia also have abundant Celtic roots. They sharing many common links: the sea, their music and innumerable shades of green as well as Gaelic, a language that is still spoken in Ireland by a small portion of the population.

The Irish in the United States

+ John F. Kennedy, the 35th President of the United States.
While the Irish community is dispersed throughout the five continents, the greatest concentration live in the United States. The reason for this Irish diaspora goes back to the 19th century, when thousands upon thousands were forced to emigrate as a result of the potato famines (1845-1850), when the entire country suffered severe food shortages. However, many Irish had already crossed the Atlantic prior to this crisis in search of the American dream. And there were those who found it. The best known example is that of John Fitzgerald Kennedy, the most popular president in U.S., who was of Irish Catholic ancestry. And so is Bill Clinton, the president before George Bush assumed the position.

The Irish conflict

+ Gerry Adams lead Sinn Fein, the Irish republican party seeking to end British rule in Northern Ireland.
As we have noted, Ireland has its own identity and culture, which its people have always fiercely defended. In fact, despite English control of the island since the 12th century, the Irish people's thirst for freedom has never waned, especially given the colonists' exploitation of the Irish nation, who for centuries worked the lands of the English and Scottish landowners under slave-like conditions. Another factor is Catholicism, which has always played a key role in Irish identity, opposite that of the Scottish and English, with their Protestant religion. Ireland was finally granted independence in 1921, following centuries of oppression, although a large part of the country, the northern portion, continues to be ruled by the British government. This led to decades of armed confrontation between the two sides in Northern Ireland and lasted until 1994 when steps toward peace began to be taken. Despite ups and downs, gradual progress is being made.


  • Tir Na N'Og Amics d'Irlanda
    Web d'aquesta organització amb seu a Arenys de Mar dedicada a promoure l'intercanvi cultural entre Irlanda i el Principat. Conté el programa d'activitats que es fan en aquesta localitat del Maresme el dia de Sant Patrici.
  • Saint Patrick's Day
    Pàgina dedicada íntegrament al dia de Sant Patrici. Conté informació de les diferents celebracions previstes a tot el món. En anglès.
  • El dia de Sant Patrici a Dublín
    Pàgina oficial del dia de Sant Patrici a Dublín. Inclou informació sobre totes les celebracions que s'hi fan. Conté una breu biografia del patró d'Irlanda.
  • El dia de Sant Patrici a Nova York
    La celebració de Sant Patrici a Nova York, en aquest lloc web.
  • Les llengües celtes
    El passat i el present de les llengües celtes, en aquest adreça electrònica.
  • Tradicions i llegendes del dia de Sant Patrici.
    Pàgina on s'expliquen les tradicions i llegendes associades al dia de Sant Patrici.
  • Irlanda avui
    Pàgina de la British Broadcasting Corporation (BBC) dedicada a la història recent del poble irlandès.
  • El procés d'independència irlandès
    Interessant i didàctica pàgina centrada en el procés d'independència de la República d'Irlanda, entre els anys 1916 i 1948.


  • A recently-released film focuses on the difficulties faced by the Irish emigrants arriving in New York, as well as the struggles faced by those who already inhabited the North American city. Entitled Gangs of New York, this spectacular feature stars Daniel Day-Lewis, Leonardo Di Caprio and Cameron Diaz.
  • The triskele is one of the most ancient symbols known to humankind. It consists of an imaginary figure formed by three legs, bent at the knee and joined at the upper thigh. Triskeles have been found in pre-historic caves in Italy and on Greek goblets and coins. In contemporary society, the triskele has become the graphic symbol for nations of Celtic heritage.


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Com apuntar-s'hi


La catedral de Sant Patrici és un dels espais més característics de Manhattan (Nova York, EUA). Símbol de la comunitat catòlica, és un edifici d'estil gòtic envoltat de gratacels altíssims. Si voleu veure’n els detalls, cliqueu aquí.
La diada de Sant Patrici, patró d'Irlanda, se celebra a tot el món. Al nostre país, Arenys de Mar (Maresme) fa festa grossa el 14 de març, organitzada per l'associació Tir Na N'Og Amics d'Irlanda, que té pàgina electrònica i tot. Visiteu-la i hi veureu les activitats programades per a enguany.
Saps qui va ésser el primer catòlic d’origen irlandès que va arribar a president dels Estats Units? La resposta és aquí.
Segons la llegenda, el trèvol, símbol de Sant Patrici, ha de tenir un nombre determinat de fulles perquè dugui bona sort. Quantes? Esbrina-ho clicant aquesta pàgina, dedicada al patró d'Irlanda.
I també...
  • Sabies que la festa de Halloween és d'origen celta? Comprova-ho fent clic aquí.
  • Saps d'on provenien els celtes? Cerca-ho a la pàgina que la Xarxa Telemàtica de Catalunya (XTEC) dedica a les civilitzacions antigues, i ho trobaràs sense gaires maldecaps.
  • Has sentit mai l'himne irlandès? La British Broadcasting Corporation t'ofereix la possibilitat de sentir-lo.
  • Saps quan va començar el conflicte polític entre irlandesos i anglesos? La resposta, en aquesta pàgina.
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