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Catalan Rock

Breakthrough at Palau Sant Jordi

Four Years Without 'Sau'

The Origins of Rock

dijous, 13 de febrer de 2003
Catalan rock experienced a boom during the 1990's. Groups like Sopa de Cabra, Sau, Els Pets and Lax'n'Busto became icons for the first generation to be educated in their native tongue in decades. Overnight, these bands and their members became true idols.

What few know is that rock on our home turf was actually born much earlier, back during the era of the 60's. Inspired by the musical wave from the States, the fresh sounds of bands like Màquina, Vértice, Música Dispersa and Joaka began to be heard. But this first crop of rockers was hit hard when the Als Quatre Vents recording label went bust. What's more, the musical scene in our neck of the woods has tended to be dominated by composers of 'Nova cançó', whose lyrics reflected the socio-political struggles sweeping our nation.

These odds notwithstanding, groups like the Companyia Elèctrica Dharma and the Orquestra Mirasol appeared on the scene in the mid-seventies, and in 1975, the first Festival Canet Rock was held with great popular success. And the flame of Catalan rock was kept burning during the 80's by musicians like Pau Riba and Jaume Sisa.

But, as we said initially, it wasn't until the last decade that Catalan rock took over our local music scene. To young folks and not-so-young folks, these groups singing in Catalan represented the expression of their own political dissatisfaction. In more recent years, bands like Gossos, Ja T'ho Diré and the Brams have appeared.
  • + Secció de Nosaltres.Com: Música

Breakthrough at Palau Sant Jordi

+ Four catalan rock bands filled the Palau Sant Jordi to capacity in 1991
The supremacy of catalan rock was established for once and for all in 1991, when the bands Sopa de Cabra, Sau, Sangtraït, and Els Pets filled the Palau Sant Jordi to capacity. Some 22,000 fans descended upon the Montjuïc venue for an unforgettable event featuring the rock created in our nation. It was a huge milestone testifying to the force this musical movement had begun to gather. And public acclaim only grew. Case in point: 60,000 people showed up when Els Pets performed at the Moll de la Fusta de Barcelona in 1995. Festivals such as the Acampada d'Arbúcies and El Senglar Rock continue to be held, both events with a huge turnout.

Four Years Without 'Sau'

+ Sau became one of the most mythical groups in this new wave of catalan rock
Sau became one of the most mythical groups in this new wave of catalan rock. Ever since their first hit recording, 1987's 'No puc deixar de fumar', their celebrity grew exponentially. Formed by Carles Sabater, Pep Sala, Carles Oliver, and Joan Capdevila, many of the band's songs - such as Boig per tu - became anthems for the young generation. Which is why so many fans were devastated when Carles Sabater died on February 13, 1999 during the debut performance of the group's most recent recording Amb la lluna a l'esquena. But the group lives on, as evidenced by the many websites dedicated to them, such as the La web homenatge Carles Sabater (The Carles Sabater Website Homage) and Boig x Sau (Crazy for Sau).

The Origins of Rock

+ Elvis Presley consolidated rock and roll music.
The musical beat that is the basis of Rock and Roll emerged at the end of the 1950's as the result of the fusion between two North American musical genres: the Black-American Rhythm and Blues and the Country and Western style of the White Midwest. 1954 is considered the year this new music was born when Bill Halley and the Comets recorded the hit song Rock Around the Clock. From then on, a series of now-mythical figures like Elvis Presley, Carl Perkins, and Jerry Lee Lewis appeared on the scene and consolidated the new musical movement. Their rhythms and lyrics mesmerized the younger generations at the same time it shocked the rest of society. Rock went through a certain period of stagnation in the early sixties until British groups like The Beatles and the Rolling Stones came along with their indelible stamp.


  • El rock català
    Documentada pàgina web sobre el rock fet en llengua catalana. Hi podeu trobar les cançons dels grups musicals més representatius.
  • La Caixa de Música
    Interessant pàgina web que relaciona diferents aspectes musicals amb la física i les matemàtiques.
  • Els Beatles
    Completa pàgina dedicada als Beatles, el mític grup de Liverpool (Gran Bretanya) que va revolucionar la música rock durant els anys seixanta del segle XX. En català.
  • Estils musicals
    Pàgina del Nosaltres.Com, el cercador de VilaWeb, amb tot un seguit de recursos sobre sobre els més variats estils musicals.
  • Rock and Roll Hall of Fame and Museum
    Web dedicada íntegrament al rock and roll. Molt completa. En anglès.


  • Rock and roll literally takes its name from these same verbs. The term was first used by sailors to refer to the movements of the sea. It wasn't used in the music industry until 1912, when it was coined by Gospel singers.
  • The first magazine dedicated to the music born in the Catalan Countries appeared in 1993 and was called Enderrock. Each year, the magazine picks the Enderrock award winners for the Best Song, the Best CD, and the Best Artist or Group of the Year as well as other categories.


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Com apuntar-s'hi


Coneixes tota la discografia de Sau. La trobaràs fent un clic aquí.
El grup de rock Els Pets va néixer la nit de Nadal de 1985 en una localitat del Tarragonés. Quina? La reposta, en aquest lloc web.
Com qualifiquen Els Pets el tipus de rock que fan? I a què creus que es deu aquesta qualificació? Trobaràs la resposta en aquesta pàgina electrònica.
Els Beatles van revolucionar la música rock durant els anys seixanta del segle XX. La cançó 'Yellow Submarine' va ésser una de les més famoses que van composar. Prova de traduir la lletra d'aquesta mítica cançó, que trobaràs aquí.
I també...
  • Saps quin nom rep l'instrument que és a l'origen de l'escala musical? Trobaràs la resposta en La Caixa de Música, una interessant web que analitza les relacions entre la música i les matemàtiques.
  • Saps què és un interval musical? La resposta, en aquesta web.
  • La música té un gran valor educatiu. Llegeix aquesta pàgina i et podràs assabentar de totes les avantatges de disposar de cultura musical.
  • La música country va exercir una gran influència en el naixement del rock and roll. En aquesta adreça en podràs conèixer els orígens.
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