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The Top Ten Spam List

The Battle Against Spam

Computer Viruses


dijous, 30 de gener de 2003
'Every person on the net has one thing in common. They all hate spam'. This sentence opens a recent BBC article announcing 2002's top ten unwanted emails (a phenomenon referred to as 'spam') and accurately conveys how most Internet users feel about the thousands of unsolicited messages that continually flood their inbox.

The 'Top Ten' list was compiled in Great Britain by the company Surf Control. And many of these spam items are all familiar to net users from our country. Who hasn't got one of those messages titled 'Free adult site passwords', 'Viagra Online', 'Refinance your mortgage' or 'Best online casino'? And so, it's no shock to see these on the list.

Because it's a British list, the most annoying spam messages from our country are not featured, as happens with the one selected by the VilaWeb editorial staff as the year's most important: How to pronounce 'Euro' in Catalan.

The volume of unwanted messages is reaching daunting proportions. Just one example: in a study made public last September, the company Jupiter Research estimated that some 140,000 million spam messages are sent per year – a figure that will reach 650,000 by 2007 if something isn’t done.

The Battle Against Spam

+ The battle against spam has been recently gathering force.
The battle against spam has been recently gathering force. Spearheaded by North-American groups until recently, the resistance movement has now spread to other countries. In France, for example, the protection of internet users privacy has been taken on by CASspam. In addition to advice and basic guidelines for avoiding bulk mail, the company also offers Website managers software applications that prevent the email addresses included on their web pages from being incorporated into databases compiled by 'spammers'. Microsoft has recently joined the effort to tackle the problem. To keep massive amounts of spam from collapsing the inboxes of Hotmail users, the company has signed a contract with Brightmail, which promises that it is able to block 90% of all spam. Yet so far, despite all efforts, the battle is far from being won.

Computer Viruses

+ If there's anything more annoying for Internet users than spam, it's viruses.
If there's anything more annoying for Internet users than spam, it's viruses, which in some cases, can delete all a computer's data. In recent years, the SirCam, Melissa and I loveyou viruses have wreaked Web havoc. But possibly the virus with the greatest potential for destruction is Klez, which emerged in December, 2001 and has caused an enormous amount of damage. It's estimated than one out of every 300 messages circulating on the net is infected with some variation of Klez. McAfee, Symantec, Wired and Quands all provide good information on their websites for how to remove the virus.


+ Each day countless attacks against websites are being carried out by hackers
While most of us carry on about our business, each day countless attacks against websites are being carried out by hackers (a term coming from the word 'hack', meaning to cut into). Most of such visits result in modifications to homepage content with the insertion of sarcastic images or text that contradict the website's editorial line. Drawn by the expertise these hackers have amassed in their boycott of the Web, many companies are hiring their services to protect their own webpages against attacks. In our country, there are many hacker websites, ranging the gamut from and Xàpers. It could be said that hacking is destined to be institutionalised: hacker activity has reached such a level that last December the Kernel Panic HackLab offered a course on the history of hackers.


  • Surf Control
    Companyia que ha realitzat l'estudi sobre els deu correus no sol.licitats més molests de l'any 2002.
  • 'Hackers'
    Web on hi podeu trobar tot tipus d'informació sobre el món dels hackers.
  • Què és un 'spam'?
    Tot el que es necessita saber sobres els 'spams' i com prevenir-los, en aquesta pàgina web.
  • El correu electrònic
    Web de la Xarxa Telemàtica Educativa de Catalunya (XTEC) amb informació molt completa sobre les diverses opcions que ofereix el correu electrònic.
  • Softcatalà
    Organització sense ànim de lucre que fomenta l'ús del català a les noves tecnologies.
  • Quands
    Interessant web amb informació permanentment actualitzada sobre tot allò relacionat amb els virus informàtics.


  • European Internet users lose over 10,000 million Euros a year in spam-related expenses. Another study conducted by Jupiter/Media Metrix estimated than every Internet user received an average of 1,470 unsolicited email during 2001.
  • A growing consciousness is becoming evident in many areas of society, especially in the world of new technologies. Case in point is Solar Host, the North-American company that offers companies Internet access, Web design, e-commerce solution and all its activities are provided by the company’s solar-powered server.
  • Anyone surfing the net knows is likely to bump up against the 404 error message. This is the error that appears in your browser when it can't locate a website. In fact, the '404 Not Found' is probably the most frequently viewed (if not visited) page on the Web. What's more unusual is to come across what is a real virtual museum dedicated to this famous page.


Vols el banner de l'última notícia a la teva web?

Copia aquest codi i enganxa-l'hi:

<a href="
<img src="
/misc/diariescola/redirect.php?tp=img" border="0"/></a>




Com apuntar-s'hi


Molts virus informàtics s'estenen ràpidament per tot el món. En aquesta pàgina podràs saber el número d'ordinadors 'infectats' per cada milió d'habitants. Ara mateix, els ordinadors de quins països europeus es veuen més afectats per un o altre virus?
Si vols que el teu ordinador estigui previngut dels atacs dels virus informàtics, n'hi ha prou que facis clic a la pàgina de Quands. Hi trobaràs articles, informacions i material sobre seguretat informàtica; i en català.
L'activitat dels hackers és sovint criticada per molta gent, però també hi ha qui els defensa perquè han contribuït a que la xarxa sigui una mica més segura. En aquesta pàgina podràs conèixer una mica millor tot el que envolta el món d'aquests joves experts en informàtica.
Els navegadors ens permeten de fer ús de la xarxa. I ja n'hi ha un molts. En podràs conèixer uns quants en la pàgina que els dedica softcatalà.
I també...
  • Coneixes totes les utilitats del correu electrònic? Les trobaràs fent clic aquí.
  • Coneixes tot el que cal saber sobre els 'spams'? Aquesta web te n'informa de forma completa.
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