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Museums thwart artefact claims

The Parthenon Marbles

The British Museum

The origin of museums

dilluns, 16 de desembre de 2002
Some world museums have come together in order to defend their artistic patrimony, assuring that they won't return the works of art to their countries of origin. Concretely, eighteen museums, from New York to Saint Petersburg, have been the promoters of this iniciative. They assure that their collections of art are 'universal museums' accessible to all world citizens.

According to the directors of these institutions, today we appreciate ancient civilizations thanks to the museums. These institutions have been providing themselves with artistic, arqueological and ethnic pieces, which they have been able to keep and protect.

This iniciative is an answer to those who increasingly demand the return of the pieces taken by colonist decades or even centuries ago. In fact, the desicion of the museum directors was taken last October in the city of Munich to give support to the British Museum, an institution which is repeatedly requested to return the Parthenon Marbles to Greece, their original site.

Curiously, none of the museums from Great Britain appear on the list of those who have signed the declaration. However, the newspaper The Sunday Times, which was the first one to publish the news, said that Neil Macgregor, director of the British Museum, was one of those who signed.

In any case, the iniciative has the support of some of the most prestigious museus in the world, like The New York Metropolitan Museum of Art, the Louvre in Paris, the Museum of Modern Art in New York, the Hermitage in Saint Petersburg and the Prado in Madrid.

The Parthenon Marbles

+ The Parthenon Temple, on the Acropolis (Athens).
A good amount of Parthenon Marbles can be found in the British Museum since Lord Elgin took them to Great Britain two centuries ago. Elgin, a scottish noble and millionaire, was the british ambassador to the Ottoman Empire and obtained permission from the authorities to take the marbles of the famous temple dedicated to Athena Partenos. The greeks couldn’t say anything because at that time Greece was part of the Ottoman Empire. But the last twenty years Greece has been strongly claiming the devolution of this great artistic jewel. The intensity of the campaign keeps growing: the greeks want the marbles returned before the Olimpic Games which will be celebrated in Athens in the year 2004.

The British Museum

+ The British Museum has great collections from ancient to modern times.
The British Museum has a collection of objects of great artistic, cultural and historical value. The rooms of the museum have the works of art of some of the best painters and the most apreciated artistic pieces, from the Parthenon Marbles to the Rosetta Stone, which made possible to identify the hieroglyphic signs. In other words, it has the best collections from ancient to modern times. The origin of the museum came from Sir Hans Sloane, a naturalist who in his will left 80,000 objects, his greenhouse and his library. It was the year 1753. Six years later the museum opened its doors to the public. From then on, the possessions of the museum haven't stop growing. It must be remembered that the British Empire was he biggest world power until the twenty century, an advantage that had undoubtely helped the development of the museum.

The origin of museums

+ Image of Lorenzo de Medici, a great maecenas.
The word 'museum' was used for the first time in Florence by Lorenzo de Medici, one of the great patrons of the Renaissance, refering to the locals where the collections of codex and luxurious objects were kept. In the beginning, museums were made of private collections, owned by rich and art loving people. It wasn’t until the XVIII century that the first public museums like the ones we know today were created. It was then when the British Museum, the Vatican Museum, the Louvre or the Belvedere in Vienna were created. At the beginning of the XIX century the museums got bigger thanks to Romanticism, a movement which idealized past times.


  • The British Museum
    Web oficial de Museu Britànic, que es troba a Londres i que acull un gran nombre de col.leccions d'una gran varietat artística, des de les èpoques més antigues fins a les més recents.
  • Parthenon 2004
    Web que reivindica el retorn dels marbres del Partenó a Atenes abans del 2004, any de la celebració dels Jocs Olímpics en aquesta ciutat grega.
  • El Partenó
    Pàgina web per a estudiants dedicada íntegrament al temple del Partenó. Molt didàctica.
  • Musée du Louvre
    Web del Museu del Louvre de París. Visitable en anglès, francès i castellà.
  • L'art a la Grècia clàssica
    Pàgina de la Xarxa Telemàtica Educativa de Catalunya (XTEC) dedicada a l'art grec.
  • Museu Hermitage
    Web d'un dels millors museus de Rússia, situat a la ciutat de Sant Petersburg.


  • The Parthenon Marbles were originally painted with different colours. With the passing of time the colours disappeared. Some experts in aesthetic matters affirm that the Parthenon is visually more pleasing without the marbles painted.
  • It can't be seen from a distance, but the columns of the Parthenon are not perfectly straight. The diameter of the columns get smaller from the base to the capital of the columns. This is so to make sure that the columns are seen completly straight from a distance.
  • Sir Hans Sloane can be considered the creator of the British Museum. Sloane gave 80,000 objects, his greenhouse and his library. All of that in exchange for 20,000 pounds for his daugthers.


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Com apuntar-s'hi


Vols saber els arguments esgrimits en favor i en contra del retorn dels marbres del Partenó? Cerca'ls en aquesta pàgina. Quins trobes més convincents?
Quin escultor va dirigir les obres del Partenó? Cerca-ho en la pàgina que l'XTEC dedica a l'art a la Grècia clàssica.
En quin any es va fundar el Museu del Louvre? Ho trobaràs, per poc que tafanegis, en la web oficial del Museu.
El Museu Britànic guarda una gran quantitat de col.leccions de diferents èpoques i cultures. Comprova-ho tu mateix/a clicant aquí.
I també...
  • En els museus s'hi troben obres d'art abstractes i figuratives. Saps en què es diferencien unes de les altres? Cerca'n la resposta en la pàgina que l’Edu365 dedica a les temàtiques visual i plàstica.
  • Saps el nom dels tres ordres que caracteritzaven l'arquitectura clàssica grega? Quin dels tres s'utilitzava habitualment per a construir temples baixos i massissos? Trobaràs les respostes en aquesta pàgina electrònica dedicada a l'art grec.
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