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Sense of Touch on the Internet

To search and to find

First was the smell, now the touch

Controlling with your eyes

dijous, 14 de novembre de 2002
It seems incredible but it is true. Two scientists have shaken hands through internet, being one in London and the other in Boston. That means it is already possible to use the sense of touch on the Net.

Concretely, the experiment has permitted to recreate hand's pressure and this has been possible thanks to transmission of small impulses through a new kind of broadband cable made of optical fiber. Apart from shaking hands, the test has permitted to feel the texture of objects.

Everything seems so complicated, but the team of scientists from University College of London and from Massachusetts Institute of Technology have it in mind to do a second experiment between London and California, a longer distance. The two promoting institutions have also announced the invention will be useful on surgery and lots of other cases. Probably, the new invention will be avaiable to general public in five years time.

Before touch, three of the five human senses had been used on the internet: sight, hearing and smell. The last one was tested for the first time two years ago.

To search and to find

Almost everything is on the internet. The net is full of information from all times and about all subjects. There are even the most curious and unsuspected things. But the fact that all information is there doesn't mean it is easy to find. That is why searchers exist, to help us on this task. With the searchers it is only necessary to write a word or sentence related to the content we want to find. After a few seconds the screen will show all information the searcher has found. Piece of cake.

First was the smell, now the touch

An extraordinary discovery that surprised a lot of people was announced at the end of year 2000. The company created a product to smell through internet. The invention consists in making fragances with the combination of sixteen ingredients. This is possible thanks to a special instrument fixed in the computer that guess smells. Today, a new step has been taken with the reproduction of touch through the Net. Nobody knows what is going to be next, but for sure it will also be very surprising.

Controlling with your eyes

Bartolomeu Estrany, a professor from Universitat de les Illes Balears, has created a system that permits to control the computer with the eyes. The invention consists in transforming the electric signal generated by the eyes into a signal that can control the computer's cursor. The slide is the mark that says the position we are in while using the computer. Normally we fix this position with the mouse, which could disappear if the new discovery becomes popular.


  • Aprendre a navegar per internet
    Pàgina molt divertida on podreu realitzar diverses activitats que us permetran aprendre a navegar per internet.
  • Conèixer l'Art
    Interessant pàgina web que us permetrà introduir-vos en tot allò que gira al voltant de l'art.
  • Google en català
    Un dels millors cercadors us posa a l'abast la informació que es troba a la xarxa. I a més, en català.
  • MIT News
    Pàgina de notícies del Massachusets Institute of Technology que explica com s'ha dut a terme l'experiment de reproduir el tacte a través d'internet.


  • All internet adresses start with 'www'. These letters are the initials of the words World Wide Web. Using the World Wide Web service we can accede to all kind of information placed in web pages.
  • Tecnology applied to computers is constantly developing. One of the last innovations consists in a vertical tactile screen, it is controled by a digital pencil and it is being used as a paper notebook. Click here if you want to see a demonstration of the new invention.
  • Most of computer users work with PC (Personal Computer). Only a minority smaller than 7% use Macintosh. Even that, a study made by the company Nielsen/NetRatings conclude that Macintosh users are more educated, richer, with a better taste and better knowledge of internet than PC users.


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Com apuntar-s'hi


Els cercadors serveixen per trobar informació a internet de forma ràpida. El més conegut dels cercadors actuals és Google. N'hi ha prou d'introduir-hi una paraula i clicar 'cercar'. Però, quin mot hi introduiríeu per cercar 'cercadors'? I on?
Us agradaria de saber com seríeu si fóssiu una petita figura de Lego? Aneu a la pàgina The Mini-Mizer i podreu crear figuretes d'aquest joc únicament fent clicar el ratolí.
Navegar per internet és més fàcil que no sembla, però si encara no us en sortiu, no us hi amoïneu. En aquesta pàgina n'aprendreu de forma molt divertida. Aneu a la secció 'Infoton' i seguiu les instruccions que us donaran.
A través dels sentits les persones desenvolupem la sensibilitat artística. Si fas clic en aquesta pàgina aprendràs a conèixer tots els elements necessaris que et permetran entendre una obra d'art.
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