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Rugby and the Six Nations Championship

The Winners

The Curious Origins of Rugby

A Gentleman's Sport

dimarts, 3 de febrer de 2009
On Saturday 7 February the most famous and most important international rugby championship in Europe will begin: the Six Nations. The championship takes place over five weeks, and lasts until almost the end of March.

As the name suggests, the Six Nations Championship pits six national teams against each other: England, Scotland, France, Wales, Ireland and Italy. Each team plays once against all the others, and the winner is the team that has won the most points, bearing in mind that a victory wins two points and a draw one (sometimes victory has been shared by two and even by three teams).

If a team manages to win all its matches, not only do they win the championship, but they also receive the title 'Grand Slam'.

The championship has a history of over a century. It was held for the first time in 1883, with four teams taking part: England, Scotland, Ireland and Wales; in 1910 France joined and, in 2000, Italy, the year in which it became the Six Nations championship.

The Winners

+ Wales won the 2008 Six Nations Championship.
The list of winners of this famous rugby tournament is headed by England and Wales, with 35 victories each. England with 25 outright victories and 10 shared, and Wales with 24 outright victories and 11 shared. France has won 24 times, Scotland, 22, and Ireland, 18 (Italy, the last team to join the championship, has still not won). Last year, Wales won the championship and also achieved a Grand Slam by winning each of the games they played.

The Curious Origins of Rugby

+ Statue of William Webb Ellis outside Rugby School.
Tradition has it that modern rugby was born in England in 1823, during…a game of football! The match was held at a school in the town of Rugby, and when one of the players, a young man called William Webb Ellis, received the ball, he didn't think twice about grabbing it with his hands and running in the direction of the other team's goal. Of course, what William Webb Ellis did was against the rules of football, but it gave rise to a completely new sport…

A Gentleman's Sport

+ Rugby is governed by a sense of fair play.
Rugby is a tough, physical contact game, however it is governed by a sense of fair play and the noble behaviour of its players. It was once described as a 'game for gentlemen in all classes, but for no bad sportsman in any class'. A rugby ball is oval and the game is played with feet and hands: the ball, when passed with the hands, has to be passed backwards. Rugby union is played with 15 players on each team; and rugby league with thirteen. Another variation is rugby sevens, with seven players on each side.



  • An old, and slightly cheeky, saying has it that football is a gentleman's game played by hooligans, while rugby is a game for hooligans played by gentleman.
  • Here, rugby is a sport with plenty of tradition, especially in Northern Catalonia. The USAP of Perpignan (Roussillon) is a good example, with origins going back to the beginning of the 20th century.
  • Another Catalan rugby club with plenty of history is the Unió Esportiva Santboiana, founded in 1921 in Sant Boi de Llobregat (Baix Llobregat).


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Com apuntar-s'hi


Sis Nacions: fotografies de la competició de l'any passat.
Característiques del rugbi, un esport presidit per l'honor.
La USAP de Perpinyà, un símbol de catalanitat.
'El factor humà': relat del partit de rugbi que va unir una nació, la República de Sud-àfrica.
I també...
  • Nova Zelanda, al capdamunt del rànquing de la Federació Internacional de Rugbi.
  • El president de la Federació Catalana de Rugbi, Xavier-Albert Canal, Premi Lluís Companys 2008.
  • Palmarès del torneig de les Sis Nacions femení.
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