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Ford Model T: The First Mass-Produced Car

The First Assembly-Line Car

The Model T with the Steering Wheel on the Left

The 20th Century Car

dimarts, 4 de novembre de 2008
It has been said that it was the most influential car of the 20th century; that it revolutionised the automobile industry, allowing millions of people to travel on four wheels. We are talking about the Ford Model T, which started to roll off the production line in 1908, a hundred years ago.

The Ford Model T made its first appearance on 1st October 1908, five years after the American industrialist Henry Ford set up the Ford Motor Company. The launch price was $825, which gradually came down thanks to improvements in the car's production process.

Its low price made it possible for ordinary people to acquire a motor car, which, until then, had been a luxury for the more wealthy. Ford stopped producing the Model T in 1927 after having made 15 million units, a figure that was not exceeded until many years later by another legendary car, the Volkswagen Beetle. And what's more, in 1921, it accounted for 57% of world automobile production, a figure that illustrates just how popular the car was.

Naturally, Model T owners and fans are taking part in the centenary celebrations, which culminate on 27th November in Detroit (Michigan), Ford's global headquarters. The main event will be an exhibition of 19 Model Ts, one for each year of production of the legendary car.

The First Assembly-Line Car

+ The mass-production manufacturing process was introduced in 1913.
The Ford Model T was a long-lasting, lightweight, easy-to-maintain car. However, its popularity was mainly due to its very accessible price. When it left the factory in 1908 the car cost $825. In 1924 it cost just $260. The reduction was possible due to the mass-production manufacturing process introduced by Henry Ford in 1913 which enabled production costs to be lowered. The following year, in 1914, Ford introduced an eight-hour working day, instead of nine, and raised the daily wage to $5, double the going rate in the industry at the time. The ultimate aim of this change was to enable workers to buy the cars they were making.

The Model T with the Steering Wheel on the Left

+ The Model T helped make it more common for steering wheels to be on the left.
At the beginning of the 20th century, the steering wheel was on the left, right or in the centre, depending on the model and on the manufacturer. The Model T helped make it more common for steering wheels to be on the left and, as a consequence, for traffic to drive on the right. However, there are still quite a lot of countries that drive on the left, meaning the steering wheel is on the right. Examples include Great Britain, countries in south-eastern Africa, India, Pakistan, Australia, and Japan.

The 20th Century Car

+ The most influential car in the 20th century.
Taking all of this into account, it is not surprising that the Model T was named Car of the Century in 1999, a distinction for the most influential car in the 20th century. The choice involved the participation of Internet users, although the final decision was down to a jury of 133 experts from 30 countries. Behind the elegant Model T were, in this order, the Mini, the Citroën DS, the Volkswagen Beetle and the Porsche 911.



  • The Model T had a 20 CV engine and a maximum speed of 70 km/h.
  • During 1908-1914 and 1926-1927, the Model T was available in a range of different colours. Between these two periods, the Model T was only made in black, apparently in order to simplify manufacturing processes.
  • This led Henry Ford to coin the now-famous ironic phrase: 'Any customer can have a car painted any colour that he wants so long as it is black'.


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Com apuntar-s'hi


Per què el Ford T va revolucionar la indústria de l'automòbil.
La història d'un cotxe mític, en vídeo.
El Ford T del futur, resultat d'un concurs universitari organitzat per la Ford.
Els cinquanta pitjors cotxes de tots els temps: una llista controvertida, inevitablement.
I també...
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