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Chaplin at CosmoCaixa

The Loveable Tramp

Legendary Films


dijous, 20 de desembre de 2007
Today opens its doors 'Chaplin in Images', an exhibition about the cinematic legend Charlie Chaplin, creator of the celebrated and charming character of the Tramp (or Charlot as known elsewhere). The exhibition, the first large-scale event of its kind in our country about this legendary figure from the big screen, is being promoted by La Caixa's Community Projects Foundation and can be seen at CaixaForum in Barcelona until 27 April.

The exhibition aims to portray Chaplin's 50-year career, looking at the character and development of the Tramp over time. From family archives, the exhibition gathers together almost 300 documents (some of which have never been on display before), including photographs, posters, magazines, and film footage that show the filmmaker's genius.

The exhibition also shows how some artists appropriated the image of the Tramp, turning the character into a symbol for avant-garde movements. It is worth noting that the character attracted not just the general public but also artists and intellectuals.

Produced by NBC Photographie, 'Chaplin in Images' comes to Barcelona after being staged in Paris, Rotterdam, Hamburg, Lausanne, Brussels, Montpellier and Bologna.
  • + Webs relacionades dins Nosaltres.Cat: Cinema.

The Loveable Tramp

+ The character of the Tramp made Chaplin an international icon of the cinema.
Son of an actor and an actress, Charles Spencer Chaplin was born in 1889 in London. As part of a pantomime company, Chaplin set off for the United States in 1913 and was introduced to the seventh art by the Keystone Film Company. It was at that time that Chaplin started to develop the character of the Tramp, who would go on to become one of the most admired and admirable characters in the history of the cinema. Dressed in a bowler hat, baggy trousers and tight coat, and never without his bamboo cane, the Tramp was the embodiment of the kind-hearted, lonely but sweet figure, the marginalised traveller, tender and romantic, with a touch of melancholy in response to the injustices in the world.

Legendary Films

+ Charlie Chaplin in 'Modern Times'.
The character of the Tramp made Chaplin an international icon of the cinema. In 1919, he co-founded United Artists to produce his films. After the popularity he gained with films such as 'The Kid', 'The Gold Rush' and 'The Circus', from 1930 onwards, his comedies acquired a social note, which can be seen in two masterpieces: 'Modern Times', a critique of the dehumanisation of the industrial society, and 'The Great Dictator', a striking parody of the Nazi dictator Adolph Hitler. Other films to highlight are 'City Lights', 'Monsieur Verdoux', 'Limelight' and 'A King in New York'.


+ 'Limelight' (1952), Chaplin's last American film.
Chaplin's filmography reflects his humanist character and his commitment to society's disadvantaged. The social critique found in his films made him an enemy of US conservatives. At the start of the Cold War, the House Committee on Un-American Activities accused him of being a communist sympathiser. In 1952, in the middle of the anti-Communist witch hunts (known as McCarthyism), the US authorities decided not to renew Chaplin's visa. He then moved to Switzerland, where he died 25 years later, in 1977.



  • Charlie Chaplin made his stage debut at the age of five.
  • Opposed to sound films from the beginning, Chaplin's voice was not heard on the big screen until 'Modern Times' (1936).
  • The filmmaker did not return to the US until 1972, when he went to Hollywood to receive an honorary Oscar for his lifetime's work.


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Com apuntar-s'hi


Interactiu sobre Charlie Chaplin.
Versió íntegra de 'El vailet', primer llarg-metratge de Chaplin.
Chaplin, parodiant la megalomania de Hitler en plena Segona Guerra Mundial.
Galeria fotogràfica de Charles Chaplin.
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