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Scotland: with a Growing Pro-independence Movement

The Effects of Restoring Self Governance

The Scottish Nation

The Stone of Destiny

dimarts, 23 de gener de 2007
The 300th anniversary of the signing of the Act of Union between Scotland and England took place on 16 January. The Act of Union was the birth of Great Britain, which also includes Wales. The agreement involved the bringing together of the Scottish and English parliaments into one, located at the Palace of Westminster (London, England). The anniversary took place amid forecasts of a vote in support of independence at May's Scottish parliamentary elections.

A number of opinion polls published recently have predicted an electoral triumph for the centre-left Scottish National Party (SNP). Founded in the 1930s, the SNP is unequivocally in favour of independence. Stressing that 80% of Scots believe that independence is the best option for Scotland's future, SNP leader Alex Salmond has promised to call a referendum on independence if his party wins at the polls.

Whatever the outcome, predictions of an SNP victory and the party's intention to hold a referendum have stirred up a debate on the future of Britain. The British government has warned that independence for Scotland would have a negative impact on the standard of living in the country, an argument that is rejected by the SNP which points to small countries which enjoy great prosperity such as Denmark, Finland and Norway.

The Effects of Restoring Self Governance

+ The Scottish Parliament building.
In 1997, Scots voted for the restoration of their own Parliament (something the Welsh also did), which brought the right to govern the country in matters such as health, education, public order and criminal justice. The idea came from the British prime minister Tony Blair, who hoped the measure would put an end to nationalist aspirations in Scotland. But according to opinion polls the opposite is true: the restoration of self-governance has increased the number of voices calling for more political sovereignty. Currently, the Scottish Parliament does not have control over defence or foreign policies and has very limited control over taxation.

The Scottish Nation

+ Scotland (Alba in Scottish Gaelic) is a nation in northwest Europe.
Scotland is a nation, an area that that can be defined as a community with its own distinct characteristics, the product of a common history with cultural and economic ties. Because Britain doesn't have a written constitution, the concepts of nation and country apply as much to Scotland and Wales as to England. One of the distinctive features of the Scottish nation is its language, Scottish Gaelic, which has been spoken since at least the 6th century. Scottish Gaelic is a Celtic language (like Irish Gaelic, Welsh, Breton, Manx and Cornish) and is being encouraged by various different institutions.

The Stone of Destiny

+ The Stone of Destiny is currently housed at Edinburgh Castle.
The ultimate symbol of Scottish nationhood is the Stone of Destiny, or Stone of Scone, (Lia Fáil in Scottish Gaelic), a stone on which Scottish monarchs were crowned during the Middle Ages. In 1296, Edward I, the then King of England, invaded Scotland and took the stone back to Westminster Abbey. There, it became part of the throne where new English (and, later, British) monarchs were crowned. In 1996, seven hundred years later, the Stone of Destiny was returned to Scotland. It is currently housed at Edinburgh Castle in Edinburgh, the Scottish capital.



  • When it comes to sport, Scotland, England and Wales compete at an international level with their own teams, as does Northern Ireland, which is also under British control.
  • Scotland has 790 islands, 130 of which are inhabited.
  • The Scottish Parliament building, officially inaugurated in 2004, was designed by the Catalan architect Enric Miralles, who died seven years ago.


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