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Protecting Machu Picchu

An Architectural Jewel...

...with an Aura of Mystery

A New Wonder of the World?

dijous, 14 de setembre de 2006
The Peruvian government has just declared the air space above Machu Picchu, the ancient Inca city in the Peruvian Andes, a no-fly zone. The move is an attempt to preserve the biodiversity and architectural heritage of this unique place. Its extraordinary synthesis of nature and culture led Machu Picchu to be declared a Word Heritage Site in 1983.

The decision taken on 8 September to ban flights over Machu Picchu revoked a previous authorisation from the Ministry of Transport and Communications on 31 August which give permission for Helicusco, a helicopter company based in the city of Cuzco, to operate flights over Machu Picchu.

The decision by the Ministry of Transport and Communications to allow flights attracted criticism from environmental and architectural groups who feared the negative impact on the area's flora and fauna and on the ruins of the Historic Sanctuary of Machu Picchu. The protected site covers more than 37,000 hectares and is home to a great number of orchids, different species of trees, and an enormous variety of birds and animals such as pumas and the spectacled bear.

The decision to forbid flights over Machu Picchu was taken at a meeting between the Ministry of Transport and Communications and two groups in favour of a ban: the National Institute for Natural Resources of Peru and the National Institute for Culture.

An Architectural Jewel...

+ Machu Picchu is situated at an altitude of 2,340 m.
The Historic Sanctuary of Machu Picchu is situated at an altitude of 2,340 m, on top of one of the mountain ranges of the Andes in an area of lush tropical vegetation. The architectural remains –some of the best-preserved in pre-Columbian America– are a prime example of architectural perfection. There are two main areas: an agricultural section comprising terraces and canals, and an urban area with palaces, temples, housing, squares and royal mausoleums. It is thought that Machu Picchu was abandoned some time after 1540 following the Spanish conquest of the Inca Empire. In 1911, Melchor Arteaga, a Quechuan farmer, took the North American explorer Hiram Bingham to the now world-famous remains.

...with an Aura of Mystery

+ Map of the ancient Inca Empire.
The attraction of Machu Picchu is heightened by the aura of mystery which surrounds it. To start with,it is not known for sure what led to Machu Picchu being abandoned, nor is it known precisely when it was built, although its construction has been attributed to the Inca emperor Pachacutec in the 15th century. As regards the function of Machu Picchu, there are various hypotheses. The most likely is that Machu Picchu's role was to control the economies of those regions conquered by the Incas (an extensive area reaching to the west of South America) and also to serve as a refuge for the emperor and nobility against possible attacks.

A New Wonder of the World?

+ New 7 Wonders was founded in 2001.
In the past, there were seven works of architecture and sculpture that were considered to be the greatest artistic creations of mankind. But now, the New 7 Wonders Foundation in Switzerland wants to renew this select and celebrated list by means of a participative initiative whereby all are invited to vote for their own particular favourite via the Internet or by phone. Among the 21 monuments which are candidates to become a new wonder of the world are: the Acropolis of Athens, the Roman Coliseum, the Great Wall of China, the megalithic Stonehenge (United Kingdom), the Pyramids of Giza and, also, the ancient city of Machu Picchu.


    Institut Nacional de Recursos Naturals del Perú. Ha impulsat, ensems amb l'Institut Nacional de Cultura peruà, la restricció dels vols comercials sobre el Machu Picchu.
    Tomb virtual per la dita ciutat perduda dels inques.
  • Machu Picchu
    Pàgina enterament dedicada al Santuari Històric de Machu Picchu, amb més de trenta-set mil hectàrees de superfície.
  • Los incas
    Història, administració, tecnologia, imatges i mapes.
  • New 7 Wonders
    Iniciativa participativa consistent a seleccionar les set noves meravelles del món.
  • Cultures del món
    Dossiers sobre cultures aborígens diverses. A la pàgina del Centre UNESCO de Catalunya.


  • Quechuan, the language of the ancient Inca Empire, is still the mother tongue of indigenous communities in Peru, Bolivia, Ecuador and Colombia. In Quechuan, 'Machu Picchu' means 'Old Mountain'.
  • Machu Picchu is twinned with the ancient Jordanian city of Petra, another New 7 Wonders candidate.
  • The ancient city of Machu Picchu is a little over 110 km north west of the city of Cuzco, the historic capital of the Inca Empire and a UNESCO World Heritage Site.


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Com apuntar-s'hi


Nota sobre l'acord de declarar zona prohibida l'espai aeri del Machu Picchu.
Vistes panoràmiques, i comentades, d'aquest jaciment arqueològic.
Una ciutadella amb una aurèola de misteri.
L'indret, al Google Maps.
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