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Collections and Collecting

The Most Common Collections

All Sorts...

...of Things

dilluns, 1 de maig de 2006
Collecting is defined as gathering together things of a particular type, according to the interests and means of the collector and to catalogue and classify them accordingly. There are all sorts of collections, some rather strange, although many collectors share an enthusiasm for the same kind of things.

Collecting goes back a long way. There were art collections in ancient times; in Babylonian, Egyptian, Greek and Roman civilisations.

Many centuries later, during the Renaissance, a renewed interest in the cultural and artistic legacy from Classical times drove patrons to enlarge their art collections. These collections were how some museums started. In fact, the word 'museum', was coined during the artistic outpouring which took place during the Renaissance.

However, generally art collecting was for monarchs and aristocrats, something which didn't change until the 19th century when the bourgeoisie, the new class of wealthy businesspeople and industrialists, was in its heyday.

The Most Common Collections

+ Coins have been collected for a long time.
Some objects have been collected for a long time, almost as soon as when they first appeared. Such is the case with stamps, the collection and study of which is known as philately. There is also a great tradition of collecting coins; the science of numismatics. Then there is book collecting, especially valuable or rare books, which stirs the passions of bibliophiles.

All Sorts...

+ The list of the things which people collect is never-ending.
There are also people who, instead of collecting books, collect bookmarks (certainly much cheaper than collecting books), and people who collect autographs of famous people, rubbers, pencils, pens, fountain pens…. Watches, stickers, comics, picture cards, pins and flags are also among some of the most popular items to collect. Besides this, there are disciplines which concentrate on a particular object, as with vexillology; which is all about flags.

...of Things

+ There are people who collect foils from champagne bottles.
As you can imagine, the list of the things which people collect is never-ending and mind-boggling. The obsession of the collector can include some even stranger things with some collecting sugar packets, cigar stickers, sweet wrappers… In the Catalan Countries, there are people who collect foils from champagne bottles, wine porrons (flasks), jugs…




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Com apuntar-s'hi


Vocabulari anglès sobre col·leccions i col·leccionistes.
La pàgina d'un vexil·lòleg.
El llegat Cambó del MNAC: pintura europea dels segles XIV-XIX.
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