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Raimon: Singer and Poet

Social and Civic Commitment

His Own Poems...

... and Those of Others

dilluns, 30 de gener de 2006
From the 26th January to the 5th February, Ramon Pelegero i Sanchis, better known by his stage name, Raimon, one of the greats of Catalan Song, will be going back over his career as a singer and poet in a series of concerts at the Teatre Nacional de Catalunya.

Under the title 'Raimon. Quatre recitals diferents' ('Raimon. Four Different Recitals'), the singer shall be giving four recitals, each of them over a different two-day period and featuring an unusual repertoire: his own compositions, poems by the writer Salvador Espriu; poems by classical authors of the 14th-16th centuries, particularly Ausiàs Marc; and an anthology of popular songs.

All in all, it is a repertory of over one hundred songs, highly representative of a career characterised by social and civic commitment (to the people, the country and the Catalan language), but also by a deep lyricism. Indeed, his works is highly expressive and has attained great international prestige, as demonstrated by many highly praised performances abroad.
  • + Webs relacionades dins Nosaltres.Com: Música.

Social and Civic Commitment

+ Raimon had his musical debut with 'Al vent'.
Born in 1940 in the town of Xàtiva, the capital of the county of Costera, Ramon Pelegero i Sanchis had his musical debut in the early sixties with 'Al vent' ('To the wind'), one of his most well-loved songs. Very soon, his protest songs, such as 'D'un temps, d'un país' ('About a time, about a country') and 'Diguem no' ('Let's say no'), which were extraordinarily popular, became symbols of the desire for freedom and democracy in a country oppressed by the fierce dictatorship of General Franco.

His Own Poems...

+ The singer and poet has attained great international prestige.
But the enormous popularity of his protest songs shouldn't allow us lose sight of Raimon's more intimate and poetic side, which is just as noteworthy and which forms a very significant part of his work, where human sentiments and emotions are expressed with great sensitivity and intensity. By way of example, we can highlight love songs such as 'Si un dia vols' ('If you'd like to one day'), 'Com un puny' ('Like a fist'), 'L'única seguretat' ('The only sure thing'), 'Quan te'n vas' ('When you leave')...

... and Those of Others

+ Raimon has put to music numerous poems by Catalan writers.
As well as his own lyrics, Raimon's poetic feeling comes out through numerous other poems by Catalan writers, both classic and contemporary, that he has put to music. Among the classics we find Ausiàs Marc, Jordi de Sant Jordi, Anselm Turmeda, Joan Roís de Corella, Joan Timoneda and Jaume Roig; and among the contemporaries, Pere Quart, the pseudonym of Joan Oliver, and, in particular, Salvador Espriu.


  • Raimon
    A la pàgina de l'Associació d'Escriptors en Llengua Catalana (AELC). Biografia, discografia, publicacions, premis...
  • 'Raimon. Quatre recitals diferents'
    Entre el 26 de gener i el 5 de febrer, al Teatre Nacional de Catalunya.
  • Cançoner de Raimon
    Classificat alfabèticament.
  • Raimon
    Una selecció d'onze poemes.
  • Raimon
    Efemèrides, notícies, galeria fotogràfica...; al portal musical


  • Raimon performed in public for the first time when he had not yet completed his history course at the University of Valencia, which he finished in 1963.
  • The singer from Xàtiva started out in the music world at the same time as the so-called 'Nova Cançó' ('New Song') was born, a protest movement in contemporary music sung in Catalan, which helped to reinforce the cultural and national awareness of this country.


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Com apuntar-s'hi


Una nota biogràfica d'en Raimon, il·lustrada amb cançons seves.
El poeta de Xàtiva, vist per en Josep Pla.
'Al vent', la primera cançó i una de les més cèlebres.
'Com un puny', o l'enyor d'amor.
I també...
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