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Vic: Medieval Capital, Historic City

Vic, in the Middle of the Plain

The Historic Centre

Culture and University

dimarts, 2 de desembre de 2008
Everything is ready for the start of one of the busiest and best-known Catalan Medieval fairs: the Vic Medieval Market (5-8 December), when the city decks itself out to relive the distant times of the Middle Ages.

The squares and steep, cobbled lanes of the historic part of the city will become the stage, giving the city an authentic Medieval air. This is where folks dressed in period costumes will attend lines of stands and carry out demonstrations of old trades.

There will be 360 stands from Catalonia and beyond at this year's Vic Medieval Market, which is celebrating its 13th year. Handicrafts will account for 70% of the stands and food for 20%. There will also be taverns and stands with medicinal and aromatic herbs. A highlight will be the area dedicated to gastronomic and cultural customs from the Arab world.

This year's programme will also include archery demonstrations, and for the first time the falconry demonstration will include horses.

And, finally, two other key events will be running alongside the market: an exhibition of armour worn by Catalan knights between the 11th and 14th centuries and a participative exhibition entitled 'The Trade of Painter in the Middle Ages'.

Vic, in the Middle of the Plain

+ Vic has a population of approximately 40,000.
With a population of approximately 40,000, Vic is the capital of Osona. The city rises out of the middle of a plain contained by the Collsacabra plateau and by the Guilleries and Montseny massifs, amongst other mountains. The first settlement of the area took place a very long time ago, several centuries before Christ. In pre-Roman times, the city of Ausa, centre of an Iberian tribe called the Ausetani, lay on the site of current-day Vic.

The Historic Centre

+ The Plaça Major is the centre of the Vic Medieval Market.
As we said above, the Vic Medieval Market is held in the old part of the city, which is very well preserved and testimony to the city's long and rich history. The old part of Vic is where we find some of the city's most remarkable monuments including the Roman temple, built at the beginning of the 2nd century and rediscovered in 1882 after having formed part of the Montcada castle for several centuries; the cathedral, a mix of styles ranging from the Romanesque to the neo-classical; the Episcopal palace, in particular the Synod Hall; and the Parrella, Bojons, Cortada and Masferrer stately homes… Mention should also be made of the Romanesque bridge at Queralt. The bridge crosses the Mèder river, providing access to the old part of the city.

Culture and University

+ The University of Vic was founded in 1997.
Vic has a long cultural and educational tradition. The philosopher Jaume Balmes studied at the Vic seminary in the 19th century, as did the missionary Antoni Maria Claret and the poet Jacint Verdaguer, a great figure of the Renaixença, a movement aimed at recovering the Catalan language and its literature. This tradition has been strengthened recently with the foundation of the University of Vic in 1997.



  • The centre of the Vic Medieval Market is the Plaça Major, or Mercadal, a square surrounded by arcades, and one of the most popular areas in the city.
  • Oliba, one of the leading Catalan figures during the Middle Ages, was bishop at Vic. Oliba was also Abbot of the Ripoll and Cuixà monasteries. In approximately 1025 he founded the monastery at Monsterrat.


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Com apuntar-s'hi


Apunt del Mercat Medieval de Vic.
'Calendari dels vells oficis', de Miquel Pont.
Rutes Jacint Verdaguer per Folgueroles i per la plana de Vic.
Itinerari pel centre històric de Vic.
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