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![]() > The Adventures of… > …Tintin > Characters dijous, 11 de gener de 2007
Amongst the many commemorations during 2007 is the centenary of the birth of Georges Remi (1907-1983), better known by his pseudonym Hergé, the Belgian comic book artist, illustrator and creator of one of the world's most famous graphic novel characters: Tintin.
To mark the occasion, a series of commemorative events has been programmed in different countries, including in the Catalan Countries. This coming June, the International Motor Show of Barcelona will feature the cars that appeared in The Adventures of Tintin. In fact, the commemorative events started last year. For example, on 20 December, the Pompidou Centre in Paris opened its extensive homage to Hergé exhibition that can be visited until 19 February 2007 and which includes hundreds of drawings, plates and original documents. Born on 22 May 1907 in Brussels, Georges Remi created a series of stories read by generations of young and old all over the world, with drawings of great precision and clarity: the 'clear line'. However, the contradictory Remi was the subject of controversy: his early comics were criticised for defending colonialism and for giving a pejorative impression of non-Europeans, although he was praised for denouncing injustice and for the documental rigour of his later comics.
The Adventures of…The Adventures of Tintin first appeared on 10 January 1929, just 78 years ago, in 'Le Petit Vingtième', a weekly children's supplement with the Belgian Catholic newspaper 'Le Vingtième Siècle'. The following year, 1930, the distinctly anti-communist 'Tintin in the Land of the Soviets' was published. It was the first of the 24 albums that make up the series to be published. The last adventure, 'Tintin and the Alpha-Art' was published posthumously in 1986. In between came 'Tintin in America', 'Cigars of the Pharaoh', 'The Blue Lotus', 'The Black Island', 'The Seven Crystal Balls', 'Destination Moon', and 'The Castafiore Emerald', among others.
…TintinThe undisputed hero of all the adventures is young Tintin, a daring, intelligent and able reporter who is always getting involved in highly complex adventures that take him half way round the world. With his unmistakable quiff, Tintin is an upright lad who diligently seeks out the truth and fights injustice, always accompanied by his pet dog Snowy, a faithful fox terrier, compassionate and brave, who's always saving his master from the dangers that threaten him.
CharactersTintin and Snowy are the only characters that appear in all the adventures in the series, which also include a number of other peculiar characters: Captain Haddock, a veteran, cursing sailor who's generous, impulsive and fond of whisky; Professor Calculus, clever but absent-minded, a condition that is more pronounced owing to the fact that he's hard of hearing and which leads to some highly amusing situations; Thomson and Thompson, somewhat blockheaded policemen who can only be told apart by their moustaches; Bianca Castafiore, the diva from La Scala in Milan, of a capricious nature; and Rastapopoulos, Tintin's principal enemy.
I també...
- Cançons populars adaptades per a la traducció catalana, obra de Joaquim Ventalló.
- Un retrat de família.
- Feu memòria i cerqueu les parelles.
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