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The Return of the Lady of Elx

The Lady's Voyage


The Iberians

dijous, 25 de maig de 2006
After forty-one years away, the most cherished woman of the inhabitants of Elx (Baix Vinalopó) has returned to the city. Albeit only for six months (until 1 November), the Lady of Elx, the masterpiece of Iberian art -the most beautiful woman in the world, as Salvador Dalí said- can be seen at the newly refurbished Altamira Palace, home to the brand new City of Elx Archaeology and History Museum (MAHE).

The Lady of Elx presided over both the opening ceremony and the temporary exhibition 'From Ilici to Elx 2006', which provides information about the city's past and present. The exhibition, which also runs until 1 November, is spread across seven centres in Elx: the MAHE, the Festa Museum, the Medieval Commodity Exchange, the Cultural Centre, the Conference Centre, the Palmerar Museum and the Calaforra.

Inevitably, having the Lady of Elx back in the city has raised the question of her definitive return; especially when we consider not only the symbolic importance the Lady has for the city's inhabitants but also modern conservation techniques and security measures. The web portal, for example, has launched a participative campaign on the Internet to bring the Lady back from the National Archaeological Museum in Madrid for good.

The Lady's Voyage

+ Archaeological site at l'Alcúdia d'Elx.
The Lady of Elx was found on 4 August 1897 at l'Alcúdia d'Elx, an area populated in antiquity (firstly by the Iberians and then by the Romans), and adjacent to the Elx of today. The discovery was made by a young agricultural worker, Manuel Campello, who unearthed it whilst hoeing. The owner of the land sold the piece to Pierre Paris, from the Louvre Museum, were it was kept until 1941, before going on to the Prado Museum and the National Archaeological Museum in Madrid, where it has been since 1971. Prior to the recent return, the Lady of Elx had only returned to the city on one brief occasion, when she spent 19 days in Elx in 1965.


+ A masterpiece of Iberian art.
The Lady of Elx is considered the most important example of Iberian sculpture. It is a roughly life-size bust made of limestone: fifty-six centimetres high, of a luxuriously dressed, bejewelled woman with an elaborate hairstyle, a calm face and an enigmatic look. The bust, which still has some traces of colour, was sculptured between the end of the 5th century BC and the first half of the 4th century BC.

The Iberians

+ Traces of Iberian civilization can be seen at Ullastret.
Iberian civilization developed during the first millennium BC, reaching its height between the 5th and 4th centuries BC. It extended from the north to the south, from present-day Languedoc to today's Andalusia, in a wide coastal strip which included those parts of the Iberian Peninsular where Catalan is spoken today. Knowledgeable about the use of iron and located in the hills, there were various settlements, although they all shared the same language and the same writing which still has not been deciphered. Traces of Iberian civilization can be seen in archaeological sites such as those at l'Alcúdia d'Elx and at Ullastret in the Baix Empordà.


  • D'Ilici a Elx
    Apunt sobre aquesta exposició oberta el 18 de maig d'enguany. Des de la pàgina turística de l'Ajuntament d'Elx.
  • D'Ilici a Elx 2006
    Pàgina oficial, amb informació de la Dama d'Elx i del flamant Museu Arqueològic i d'Història de la ciutat, que mostrarà la joia artística il·licitana fins l'1 de novembre.
  • La Dama de Elche en el año 2000
    Una anàlisi tecnològica i artística.
  • Els ibers de Catalunya
    Pàgina didàctica sobre la civilització ibèrica a la Catalunya actual.
  • La ruta dels ibers
    A la pàgina del Museu d'Arqueologia de Catalunya.


  • The Elx Palm Grove, Europe's largest and most northerly palm grove, was declared a World Heritage Site by UNESCO in 2000.
  • The following year, 2001, the Mystery Play of Elx representing the death, assumption and crowning of the Virgin, was recognised by UNESCO as a Masterpiece of the Oral and Intangible Heritage of Humanity.
  • During its stay in the city, Elx City Council estimates that over 200,000 visitors will visit the Lady of Elx.


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Com apuntar-s'hi


Pel retorn definitiu de la Dama d'Elx.
Sobre aquesta peça mestra de l'art ibèric.
Una reconstrucció hipotètica de la policromia original del bust.
L'Alcúdia d'Elx, l'indret de la troballa.
I també...
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