> A Century-Old Organisation > The Structure: Sections > Sister Societies dilluns, 9 de maig de 2005
Today, the 9th of May, elections are being held at the Institute of Catalan Studies (IEC), one of the country's most distinguished institutions, which encompasses academic, cultural and scientific activities. So let's take the opportunity to take a look at the objectives it works towards, how it is organised and the challenges it faces.
Firstly, we should point out that two candidates are running for election. The sociologist Salvador Giner and the philologist Joan Martí both aspire to hold the presidency of the IEC for the next four years. The last president of the Institute, Josep Laporte, who had held the position since 2002, passed away on the 15th February. While Giner claims to want to continue the current line, Martí opts for continuation and renewal at the same time, but both vindicate the legacy of Laporte. In fact, the proposals of both candidates have much in common, which can serve to take note of some of the IEC's future challenges: better funding, maximum capitalisation of new technology, greater proximity to the public, a wider presence in all Catalan-speaking areas, etc. As well as this, both candidates have obviously insisted on the importance of defending the unity of the Catalan language. On this point, one must not forget that one of the IEC's functions is to lay down the rules of the Catalan language and monitor the application of these rules in the relevant area: the lands of the Catalan language and culture.
A Century-Old Organisation
+ Portrait of Enric Prat de la Riba.
The Institute of Catalan Studies is a century-old organisation founded in 1907 by Enric Prat de la Riba. It is dedicated to scientific research, especially relating to Catalan culture. Headquartered in Barcelona and with branches in Perpinyà, Castelló de la Plana and Lleida, the IEC has had a chequered one hundred year history but has done considerable work. For example, in the field of linguistics, it has undertaken the codification of the Catalan language, headed by Pompeu Fabra, with the publication of 'Normes ortogràfiques' (The Rules of Spelling) (1913), the 'Gramàtica catalana' (Catalan Grammar) (1918) and the 'Diccionari general de la llengua catalana' (General Dictionary of the Catalan Language) (1932).
The Structure: Sections
+ The IEC encompasses a wide variety of projects.
But the IEC does not only concern itself with the Catalan language. Its scientific research is arranged and developed in five sections, each with their own resources and publications: Historical-Archaeological, Biological Sciences, Science and Technology, Philology, and Philosophy and Social Sciences. One can see, then, that the Institute of Catalan Studies is in many ways a generalist academy, in other words, not limited to one specific field.
Sister Societies
+ The Catalan Biology Society was founded in 1912.
Since 1913 the IEC has been creating a group of sister societies in order to promote scientific research and collective work. There are currently twenty-six of these sister societies, each of them belonging to one of the sections. For example, the Catalan Economics Society is attached to the Philosophy and Social Sciences Section, and the Catalan Society of Hebrew Studies is an offshoot of the Historical-Archaeological Section. The earliest linked societies include the Catalan Biology Society (1912) and the Catalan Institute of Natural History (1915).
> Síntesi dels programes de les dues candidatures que opten a dirigir l'Institut d'Estudis Catalans, presidides per Salvador Giner i Joan Martí, respectivament.
> Membres del IEC, de la constitució de l'entitat ençà.
> Evolució històrica de l'Institut d'Estudis Catalans.
> Els estatuts d'aquesta entitat centenària.
I també...
- La Biblioteca de Catalunya, fundada pel IEC, en xifres.
- Treballs de recerca de la Secció de Ciències i Tecnologia de l'Institut.
- El projecte 'Diccionari del català contemporani', que inclou l'elaboració del 'Diccionari descriptiu de la llengua catalana'.
- Qui té capacitat normativa sobre la llengua catalana?
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