Spanish Government forces Catalunya Radio to stop broadcasting throughout Valencia

  • Signal has been turned off at 8pm after special tribute program - Spanish Government has threatened 'Acció Cultural' and its repeaters with million-euro fines

21.01.2014 - 13:51

La premsa lliure no la paga el govern, la paguen els lectors

Fes-te de VilaWeb, fem-nos lliures

Catalunya Ràdio (Catalonia’s public radio) and Catalunya Informació (Catalonia’s public radio news) ceased to broadcast in Valencia at 8pm local time. Even after the TV3 transmitters were turned off, Catalan public radio could still be heard through the network of repeaters that belongs to Acció Cultural del País Valencià. Friday, however, the organization received a letter from the Spanish government that demanded that it stop broadcasting and warned that it will face fines of one million euros that will probably still be applied even after the broadcast is interrupted.

For the first time, the Spanish Minister of Industry, through the Secretary of State of Telecommunications and for the Information Society, is trying to punish not only the broadcast but also the property and existence of ‘non-authorized’ broadcast-repeater towers. According to Industry, this action is being carried out in response to a complaint received by a group called ‘Círculo Cívico Valenciano’ and in agreement with the Valencian Government.

Currently, the frequencies in which Catalunya Ràdio can be heard in Valencia are 106.8FM in Alacant, and 97 for Catalunya informació, through the repeater in Carrasqueta; on 106.7FM in Castelló (94.0 for Catalunya informació), through the Bartolo repeater, and 104.0 FM in Ontinyent and 106.3 FM (87 for Catalunya informació) in the city of Valencia.


La premsa lliure no la paga el govern. La paguem els lectors.

Fes-te de VilaWeb, fem-nos lliures.

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